Chicken liver cutlet without flour. Chicken liver cutlets recipe with photo

Do you think that basic ingredients and a burning desire to feed your family are enough to prepare a dish like chicken liver cutlets?

You're right, that's enough. And for those who want to give their loved ones true pleasure from eating food and turn every family dinner into a real holiday, we offer a selection of gorgeous recipes. All with photos and video accompaniment. They tell you step by step how to use liver to create real culinary masterpieces!

Delicious liver cutlets with onions and carrots

The recipe for this dish will delight you not only with its original composition, but also with its easy cooking process. But as a result, you will get tender and appetizing cutlets that go perfectly with any side dish.

  • 500 g liver;
  • 2 onions;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 3 garlic cloves;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 150 g water;
  • 4 tbsp. l. flour or 6-8 semolina;
  • 1 tsp. salt;
  • amount of hot pepper to your liking.

Cooking process:

  1. Cut the onions into small pieces. Grind the carrots on a coarse grater.
  2. Place in a dry frying pan. Fill with water. Reduce heat and steam a little, 10 minutes will be enough.
  3. Grind the cooled vegetables in a meat grinder.
  4. Do the same with liver and garlic. Add some salt.
  5. Beat the eggs. Pour into liver mixture.
  6. Add flour. Mix well to avoid lumps. Replaced flour with semolina? Let it swell for 30-40 minutes.

Place the cutlets in a frying pan with hot vegetable fat using a tablespoon. Fry both sides until golden brown.

How to cook chicken cutlets from liver and hearts

Do you want to really surprise your family? Prepare chicken giblets according to a traditional Finno-Ugric recipe and create intrigue at the family table.

Your loved ones will never guess the secret composition of this simple but very tasty dish!

Serve it with a side dish of buckwheat or rice. Potatoes will also be an excellent companion for an original poultry liver dish.

  • 1 kg of liver and hearts;
  • potato;
  • apple;
  • onion and egg;
  • a little spices, flour and salt.


Grind the chicken giblets in a meat grinder. Grind the peeled potatoes, apples and onions through a coarse grater.

Mix all ingredients. Salt, add spices and a few grams of sunflower oil.

Fry in vegetable fat in a very hot frying pan.

Tender steamed pancakes for children - a recipe for a slow cooker

“Flowers of life” need special feeding not only in spring and autumn. They require year-round care and attention.

Prepare the most tender steamed cutlets for your children. However, adult family members will also enjoy this dietary dish.

After all, one serving contains less than three hundred calories!


  • 300 g chicken liver;
  • 1 onion;
  • 40 g hard cheese;
  • some spices and salt to your taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Rinse your liver. Place in a colander to drain excess water.
  2. Peel the onion.
  3. Grind the onion and liver in a blender.
  4. Salt and add spices, but without fanaticism. After all, the dish is intended for children.
  5. Cut the cheese into small cubes. Add it to the liver mass and mix.
  6. Place the prepared mixture in silicone molds. Place them in a special container for steaming.
  7. Pour half a liter of water into the multicooker bowl. Place the container with the molds filled with liver dough. Set the “Steam” mode for 35 minutes.
  8. After waiting for the process to complete, remove the finished cutlets from the molds.
  9. Before serving, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Don't have a blender in your kitchen arsenal? Use a meat grinder. Changing the grinder will affect the consistency of the finished products. After a meat grinder, the structure of steamed cutlets will not be as uniform as after grinding in a blender. However, the difference is not too fundamental.

Classic recipe for cooking in a frying pan with rice

Tasty, fast and healthy! Here are the main qualities of culinary dishes prepared from poultry liver. And this recipe is no exception. It is a worthy alternative to classic hedgehogs, in which chopped liver replaces minced meat.

  • 500 g chicken liver;
  • 1 tbsp. boiled rice;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 tbsp. l. flour;
  • a pinch of salt and ground pepper;


  1. Grind the liver and onion in a meat grinder.
  2. Add boiled rice. Stir. Add salt and pepper to your taste.
  3. Add raw eggs. Beat the resulting mixture with a fork.
  4. Add flour. Stir until the lumps are completely dissolved.
  5. Heat a frying pan with vegetable fat. Place minced meat on it with a tablespoon. Fry on both sides.

A simple recipe with semolina

It’s not difficult to prepare fluffy cutlets with chicken liver and semolina. It's hard to deny yourself the pleasure of eating an extra portion of this delicious dish. Try this recipe and it will become your “daily dish”.

  • 400 g chicken liver;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 egg;
  • 50 g buckwheat flour;
  • 30 g semolina;
  • 0.5 tsp each salt and soda;
  • pepper optional;
  • 200 ml hot water.

Cooking process:

  1. Grind the washed liver and onion in any way.
  2. Add an egg to the minced meat.
  3. Add semolina and buckwheat flour. Add salt and pepper.
  4. Mix the minced meat thoroughly until smooth. Leave in the refrigerator for 40 minutes to thicken and stabilize the mixture.
  5. Add soda. Mix thoroughly.
  6. Heat vegetable fat in a frying pan. Place the cutlet mixture on it using a tablespoon.
  7. Has a thick crust formed on the bottom of each cutlet? Add another half spoonful of minced meat to them. Cover the pan with a lid.
  8. Turn the cutlets over. Fry on the other side.

Did you overcook all the minced meat? Place the finished cutlets back into the pan. Pour some hot water into it. Simmer over low heat until it evaporates.

Lush, with oat flakes

Tasty and healthy oatmeal fits so harmoniously into this recipe that no one would even think to look for it among the ingredients. And the result is delicious liver cutlets with a twist!

  • chicken liver;
  • 1-1.5 tbsp. finely ground oat flakes;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 egg;
  • a little salt and any spices to your taste;
  • vegetable fat for frying.

Cooking process:

  1. Grind the liver using a meat grinder.
  2. Finely chop the onions. Fry in hot vegetable oil until they acquire a golden hue. Beat the egg into the minced liver. Stir thoroughly with a fork to evenly distribute the protein.
  3. Add salt and add spices according to your taste preferences.
  4. Add finely ground oatmeal.
  5. Add fried onions. Stir. Leave for at least 10 minutes for the flakes to swell.
  6. Fry on both sides in hot vegetable fat.

Chopped cutlets from breast fillet and liver - prepared without a meat grinder

Do you want a less homogeneous structure in your finished dish? Supplement the liver with poultry meat. And cheese will add tenderness and sophistication to the cutlets.

  • 500 g broiler fillet;
  • 300 g chicken liver;
  • 70 g piece of cheese;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. l. flour;
  • 1/2 tsp. pepper;
  • a bunch of green onions;
  • a bunch of greenery;
  • 1 tsp. salt.

Cooking process:

  1. Cut the meat fillet and liver into small cubes.
  2. Add eggs and finely chopped herbs.
  3. Add flour and cheese, grated through a coarse grater. Add salt and pepper. Mix the minced meat thoroughly.
  4. Leave for one hour in the refrigerator.
  5. Fry the cutlets in a frying pan with heated vegetable fat until golden brown.

Dietary chicken liver pancakes in the oven

Are you on a diet and scrupulously counting the calories you eat? This ! Its advantages are not only the low-calorie composition of the ingredients, a healthy method of preparation that excludes the use of fats, but also the minimum time spent on the cooking process itself.

Everything as you like!

Chicken liver is very tender, and the cutlets made from it are simply wonderful.

They appeal to everyone without exception.

Moreover, they can be prepared in about half an hour.

Chicken liver cutlets - general cooking principles

Before use, chicken liver is washed well, visible films are removed, and fat can be removed. Then the product is placed in a food processor or crushed through a meat grinder. Eggs are a mandatory ingredient in the cutlet mass.

What else can you add to the minced meat:

Vegetables (onions, carrots, garlic, peppers and others);

Flour or substitutes (oatmeal, semolina);

Cereals (rice, buckwheat);

Spices (any);

Bread (not always used).

Usually the mass for liver products is not very thick and is intended for scooping with a spoon. Place the cutlets in hot oil and fry until cooked. Breading is not used, nor is hand sculpting.

Recipe 1: Chicken liver cutlets with flour

The recipe for the simplest chicken liver cutlets, to which flour is added. The products are fried in oil in a frying pan, like pancakes.


0.5 kg of liver;

Onion head;

2 cloves of garlic;

5 spoons of flour;

1 pinch of baking powder;

Oil for frying.


1. Wash the liver and remove visible films from the pieces. Grind through a meat grinder together with the peeled onion.

2. Add a clove of garlic, followed by an egg and add flour. Stir, add ripper. You can add a little soda or nothing at all. Then the cutlets will be denser.

3. Season with spices. This is not only salt, but also any seasonings. You can take a mixture of spices for chicken or meat, add a little herbs.

4. Stir the resulting minced meat with a spoon and you can start frying the cutlets.

5. Spoon the mixture into the heated oil in the form of round pancakes. Fry on both sides until golden brown.

6. Remove to paper napkins to remove excess oil.

Recipe 2: Chicken liver cutlets “Lush” with semolina

Semolina is added not only to minced meat, but also to chicken liver cutlets. Cereals absorb moisture, swell and make the products fluffy, light and tender.


0.3 kg of liver;

Onion head;

3 spoons of semolina;


1. Twist the onion with the washed liver.

2. Add egg and spices, stir.

3. Add semolina and leave the resulting minced meat for half an hour. You need to let the semolina swell well. The mass will become thicker.

4. Pour oil into the frying pan, the layer should be about four millimeters.

5. Scoop up the liver mince with a spoon and lay out the plump cutlets.

6. Fry over medium heat for three minutes on each side.

7. If there are concerns that the products inside are still raw, then you can cover the frying pan and simmer a little. But you should not reduce the heat to a minimum, otherwise the cutlets will be saturated with oil and become greasy.

Recipe 3: Chicken liver cutlets with bread

Recipe for full-fledged chicken liver cutlets, to which bread is added. We only use stale bread that is at least two days old.


Liver 0.4 kg;

0.25 kg of bread;

0.15 kg of onion;

0.2 liters of milk;

2 tablespoons flour;


1. Pour milk over the bread, after cutting off the crusts from it. Let it sit for about twenty minutes, then let it sit.

2. Cut the liver pieces, cleared of films and washed, and twist them through a meat grinder along with the bread.

3. Peel the onion heads and chop them too.

4. Add spices to the resulting minced meat, add egg, flour and stir well for a minute, the mass should be homogeneous and quite thick.

5. Pour oil and place a frying pan on the stove.

6. Spoon out the cutlets. There is no need to smear, let them be thick and round. Fry for three minutes over moderate heat.

7. As soon as the minced meat is finished, return all the cutlets back to the frying pan and carefully lay them out.

8. Pour in 50 ml of water (you can take broth, tomato juice, sour cream, cream) and simmer for about five minutes.

Recipe 4: Chicken liver cutlets with rice

To prepare liver cutlets according to this recipe, you will need round rice. Wheat flour is also added to the minced meat, which can be replaced with ground oatmeal or semolina if desired.


Liver 0.5 kg;

0.1 kg rice;

4 tablespoons flour;

One onion head;

One egg;

Clove of garlic;

Seasonings and oil.


1. Boil the washed rice in regular boiling water, drain the liquid and cool.

2. Cut a large onion into small cubes and fry in a spoon of oil. There is no need to add a lot of fat so that it does not subsequently liquefy the minced meat.

3. Twist the liver with garlic, add rice, then fried onions and add flour, but not all at once. We adjust the thickness of the cutlet mass; it should mix heavily and stretch. Season with salt and other spices.

4. As usual, heat the oil on the stove, spoon out the cutlets and fry on both sides until cooked.

5. Liver rice cutlets can be eaten dry, but they taste better if they are steamed in tomato or sour cream sauce.

Recipe 5: Chicken liver cutlets with vegetables

The special feature of these chicken liver cutlets is the addition of fried vegetables to the minced meat. This technique makes the products very juicy and aromatic. The recipe uses onions with carrots and peppers. But you can exclude or add something. No less tasty cutlets are made with pieces of eggplant, zucchini or pumpkin.


2 pcs. Luke;

One carrot;

Liver 0.5 kg;

1 bell pepper;

2 cloves of garlic;

3-4 tablespoons of flour;

Salt and pepper.


1. Sauté diced onions in oil.

2. As soon as the onion pieces become transparent, add the grated carrots and after a couple of minutes, finely chopped sweet pepper. Fry for another two minutes, turn off and cool.

3. While the vegetables are cooling, grind the washed chicken liver and garlic in a meat grinder.

4. Combine both masses and add eggs to them, followed by spices and flour. Stir the resulting minced meat with a spoon and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour. The mass will get a little stronger.

5. Take out the minced meat and fry the cutlets in oil. They can be arbitrary in size, it is only important to bake the cakes inside so that they do not remain raw.

Recipe 6: Chicken liver cutlets with oatmeal

A variant of not only tasty, but also very healthy chicken liver cutlets. Instant oat flakes are used. You can take cereal without cooking, it will also work.


0.5 cups oatmeal;

0.5 kg of liver;

0.5 bunch of dill;

1 clove of garlic;

One onion head.


1. Grind the liver, onion and garlic through a meat grinder. If desired, the onion head can be finely chopped and fried in a frying pan.

2. Add the egg, followed by the cereal. Salt the mixture, stir and forget about it for about forty minutes. If the room is hot, you can put the minced meat in the refrigerator. The flakes will swell and the mass will become thick.

3. Wash the dill, chop it and add it to the mince, stir well and you can start cooking.

4. Place the cutlets in hot oil and fry until golden brown.

5. Or we prepare a dietary option. To do this, place with a spoon on a silicone mat and bake in the oven until cooked. On average, this will take about 12 minutes at 200 degrees.

Recipe 7: Chicken liver cutlets with mushrooms

Liver cutlets for this recipe require mushrooms. You can take the familiar champignons or use any other mushrooms, but first boil them in salted water for at least 20 minutes.


0.5 kg chicken liver;

0.25 kg fresh champignons;

1 onion;

50 grams of hard cheese;

1 spoon of sour cream;

Salt pepper;


3 spoons of flour.


1. Cut the champignons and also the onion into small cubes, place everything in a frying pan and fry over medium heat until almost done. This will take about ten minutes. At the end you can add salt.

2. While the mushrooms are cooling, twist the chicken liver.

3. Grate the cheese and add it to the minced meat.

4. Add chopped parsley, add the recipe sour cream, egg and lay out the cooled mushrooms. Stir, season the minced meat with salt and ground black pepper.

5. All you have to do is add a couple of tablespoons of flour and you can fry the cutlets.

Recipe 8: Chicken liver cutlets with potatoes

The peculiarity of this recipe is not only the addition of potatoes, but also a very tasty sour cream sauce. It wonderfully complements the dish and makes the taste complete. Another advantage of this recipe is that it is very economical. This amount of ingredients will make a large number of cutlets.


0.5 kg of liver;

Eggs 4 pieces;

2 potatoes;

A glass of flour;

3 pcs. Luke;

For the sauce:

0.2 kg sour cream;

3 cloves of garlic;

4 sprigs of dill;

3 spoons of soy sauce;

1 pinch of pepper;

You can add sweet paprika.


1. Grind the liver with onions through a meat grinder. Add eggs and flour to them, add spices and stir.

2. Peel the potatoes and grate them on a fine grater. Place in liver mixture. There is no need to squeeze out the juice, the flour will absorb it.

3. Stir the minced meat thoroughly and immediately cook the cutlets until the potatoes darken.

4. Pour a layer of oil 3-4 millimeters into the frying pan and heat it well.

5. Spoon out the cutlets, brown and turn over. Now reduce the heat and cook covered for five minutes.

6. Place the finished cutlets in another bowl and fry the rest of the minced meat.

7. For the sauce, mix chopped garlic and chopped herbs with sour cream. Add soy sauce, pepper and stir well. Let sit for ten minutes for the flavor to develop.

8. When serving, pour aromatic sauce over the liver cutlets.

To make the fried liver cutlets juicy and soft, at the end of cooking, pour a little water into the pan and let them simmer for three minutes under the lid. But there should be just a little liquid, otherwise the products will become sour.

If the liver mince turns out to be liquid, then it won’t be cutlets, but pancakes. You can thicken the mass with semolina or flour. Oatmeal does this job well. But they must first be crushed a little, and then allowed to swell in the cutlet mass.

If you get too many chicken liver cutlets, you can always put some in the freezer. They tolerate freezing and thawing at room temperature, in the microwave or in a frying pan. You can also freeze raw minced meat if you don’t have time to fry or you run out of oil.

Just a little bit of liver? It's not a problem! You can add lightly fried cabbage, eggplant, pumpkin and any other vegetables to the minced meat. Liver cutlets with buckwheat, rice and other cereals are delicious.

Here are the most delicious, tender and juicy liver cutlets that simply melt in your mouth - I say this without undue modesty or exaggeration! They are magical - if my children devoured liver cutlets on both cheeks, then this is a 100% victory. Try this simple, satisfying and affordable second dish, which is prepared quickly enough and does not require any special skills in the kitchen.

I deliberately chose chicken liver as the basis for the cutlets - it is much more tender than beef or pork. However, you can safely use the above - it will also turn out very tasty. I think that many people know that it is difficult to make cutlets from liver - as a rule, most housewives make pancakes or pancakes. No wonder, because minced liver turns out to be quite liquid and the consistency resembles low-fat sour cream.

However, there is always a way out! Thanks to semolina and buckwheat flour, we will have plump, tender and juicy liver cutlets. If finding buckwheat flour turns out to be a problem, just grind the buckwheat in a coffee grinder - it's the same flour. Using baking soda in a minimal amount will also make the liver cutlets fluffy and airy, but there will be no characteristic taste and smell of soda, don’t worry.


(400 grams) (200 milliliters) (1 piece ) (1 piece ) (50 milliliters) (50 grams) (30 grams) (0.5 teaspoon) (0.25 teaspoon) (1 pinch)

Cooking the dish step by step with photos:

We will prepare these tender liver cutlets from chicken liver, onions, chicken eggs, buckwheat flour, semolina, baking soda, salt, ground black pepper and refined vegetable (I use sunflower) oil. In addition, for extinguishing, we will additionally need about a glass of regular drinking water.

You can make minced meat for liver cutlets in any convenient way: using a meat grinder, submersible or stationary blender, food processor (attachment - metal knife). I like the last option best. Wash the chicken liver, dry it, cut off the white veins and cut into large pieces (you don’t have to cut it). Place in the bowl of a food processor.

We punch everything until a homogeneous liquid minced meat is formed. Add buckwheat flour and semolina, salt and ground black pepper to taste.

We punch everything again to get a completely homogeneous minced meat. Be sure to taste for salt (oh, and I don’t like this, but it’s necessary).

Transfer it to a bowl and put it in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes. This stage is very important, since during the process buckwheat and semolina will absorb moisture, swell and make the minced liver much thicker and more stable.

After a while, we take the minced liver out of the refrigerator. Add a quarter teaspoon of baking soda to it, which we certainly rub between our fingers so that there are no lumps. Soda will give the cutlets volume. Mix everything well.

The consistency of the dough for liver cutlets is somewhat thicker than for liver pancakes. The semolina has not yet completely swollen, but it should be so.

Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan (mine has a diameter of 26 centimeters) and heat it thoroughly. Keep the heat above medium while frying. Using a tablespoon, scoop out the liver dough and carefully place it in very hot oil so that the cakes do not spread too much. If the oil is heated weakly, the minced meat will spread, and at high temperatures a crust will form, which will help future cutlets keep their shape. When the last cutlet is in the frying pan, place a little more minced meat on top of each one so that the cutlets are higher. In total, fry them on one side for about 1-1.5 minutes - no longer is needed.


  • for minced cutlet:
  • chicken liver - 600 g;
  • semolina - 175 g (7 tablespoons);
  • onion - 70 g (1 medium onion);
  • carrots - 150 g (1 medium carrot);
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • sunflower oil - 60 ml;
  • salt;

For kefir sauce:

  • kefir - 200 ml;
  • curry seasoning - 1 teaspoon. spoon;
  • ketchup - 2 table. spoons;
  • dill or parsley.

Cooking time - 1 hour.

Yield: 25 cutlets.

Nutritionists advise including liver dishes in your diet from time to time, since this offal is very beneficial for health. For example, chicken liver contains a lot of protein (about the same as chicken fillet), B vitamins (especially high in vitamin B9) and the daily requirement of iron. Therefore, we recommend preparing liver cutlets from chicken liver.

The recipe with photos will tell you step by step in detail how to do this. Chicken liver cutlets with semolina are especially tender, so this product is present in the ingredients instead of flour. In order for animal proteins to be better digested, we recommend adding vegetables - onions and carrots - to the minced meat, and to serve the dish, prepare an original and low-calorie kefir sauce.

How to cook chicken liver cutlets with semolina

Select all the products needed to make chicken liver cutlets with semolina. You need to choose the liver especially carefully, because... The taste and benefits of the dish depend on this. Signs of fresh liver are: dark brown color, smooth surface without blood clots or pronounced blood vessels, no unpleasant odor.

In addition to onions and carrots, you can add a clove of garlic to the minced meat. For frying cutlets, it is better to use refined sunflower oil. Kefir of any fat content is suitable for the sauce. If curry seasoning is not available, you can add ground black and red pepper, turmeric, ginger, coriander or other spices to your taste. You can also add garlic. Instead of ketchup, you can use tomato sauce or tomato paste.

Usually, cooking liver dishes begins by soaking this offal in milk, water or kefir. However, to make chicken liver cutlets, a recipe with step-by-step photos of which is offered below, this operation can be omitted, which significantly saves cooking time. It is enough to thoroughly wash the liver under warm running water and remove any films. Immediately you need to prepare the vegetables: peel the onion and cut it into several parts, peel the carrots and grate them on a fine grater.

Pass the liver through a meat grinder. Then do the same with the onion. Add grated carrots, salt and, if desired, a lot of pepper or garlic passed through a press to the minced meat. Mix everything.

Beat the egg into the minced meat and add semolina. Mix everything well and leave the semolina to swell for about 20 minutes. This time can be used to wash the dirty dishes that have accumulated.

Pour oil into a frying pan and heat it. If you are using a frying pan with a non-stick Teflon coating, then you need to act in exactly this order: first - oil, then - heating. Otherwise, harmful substances are released from Teflon when overheated. Mix the minced meat again. As you can see, it has become noticeably thicker. Scoop the minced meat with a tablespoon and place it in a frying pan.

There is a little trick on how to make fluffy chicken liver cutlets. To do this, you first need to lay out an incomplete tablespoon of minced meat. Literally after a few seconds, when the “pancake” has already taken shape and has stopped spreading across the pan, place a little more minced meat on top. Fry the cutlets with the lid open over medium heat for about 2 minutes on each side.

In this way, fry all the chicken liver cutlets with semolina, after which you can start preparing the sauce. To do this, you need to add seasonings, tomato sauce or ketchup, and finely chopped herbs to kefir. Mix everything and taste it. If necessary, add a little salt or sugar.

Especially delicious chicken liver cutlets with warm semolina. They go well with any side dish - mashed potatoes, pasta, rice and salads. Kefir sauce will make them even more appetizing.

Now you know how to cook liver cutlets from chicken liver.

We wish you bon appetit!

Liver should be included in your diet at least once a week. But if your family doesn’t like this product stewed or fried, then it’s time to make fluffy, juicy and surprisingly tasty cutlets.

Chicken liver, which is the main ingredient in all the proposed recipes, is more delicate in taste and has practically no streaks or films. The average calorie content of finished cutlets is 167 kcal.

Recipe for delicious and juicy chicken liver cutlets with onions and carrots - step by step photo recipe

This dish is prepared quickly and is relatively inexpensive. Therefore, it will appeal to many housewives who want to feed their household tasty, healthy and not expensive!

Cooking time: 40 minutes

Quantity: 4 servings


  • Chicken liver: 500 g
  • Bulb: 1 pc.
  • Carrot: 1 small
  • Eggs: 2 pcs.
  • Sour cream: 2 tbsp. l.
  • Flour: 4 tbsp. l.
  • Garlic: 1 clove
  • Salt, pepper: to taste

Cooking instructions

Fluffy chicken liver cutlets with semolina

Chicken liver contains a large amount of protein and useful elements, so nutritionists recommend regularly including it in the menu.

For minced meat:

  • chicken liver – 650 g;
  • salt;
  • semolina – 180 g;
  • sunflower oil – 65 ml;
  • onion – 75 g;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 160 g.

For the sauce:

  • ketchup – 40 ml;
  • kefir – 210 ml;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • dill – 25 g;
  • salt;
  • curry – 7 g.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse the offal and remove the films. Cut if necessary.
  2. Grind the peeled carrots, it is best to use small ones.
  3. Place the liver in a meat grinder, followed by coarsely chopped onion.
  4. Add chopped carrots and garlic passed through a press to the resulting minced meat.
  5. Beat in the egg, add salt and mix with semolina. Leave for half an hour.
  6. Pour oil into the frying pan. Warm up well.
  7. It is most convenient to scoop up the minced meat with a tablespoon and place it in boiling fat.
  8. Fry over medium heat. There is no need to cover with a lid.

You should spend no more than 2 minutes on one side. You should not keep it longer, otherwise the products will turn out too dry.

Recipe variation with rice

A wonderful light snack that's perfect for any occasion.

You will need:

  • flour – 110 g;
  • chicken liver – 550 g;
  • vegetable oil;
  • boiled rice – 120 g;
  • ground pepper;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • salt;
  • white bread – 75 g.

What to do:

  1. To prevent the offal from becoming bitter, place it in water for half an hour. Drain the liquid.
  2. Place in a meat grinder and grind.
  3. Pour water over the bread and wait until softened. Use your hands to squeeze out all the moisture.
  4. Boil the rice. It is better if it is slightly undercooked. Place into minced meat along with bread.
  5. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Beat in the egg. Sprinkle with flour and stir. All components must be completely connected to each other.
  6. Pour oil into the pan and place on maximum heat. Warm up well.
  7. Scoop the prepared mixture with a spoon and place the cutlets in hot fat. Close the lid. Switch the heat to medium and simmer for 4 minutes.
  8. Turn over and cook uncovered for another 2 minutes. Do not overcook, otherwise the pancakes will become dry.

With buckwheat

Tender and very healthy cutlets that children will especially like. They are delicious to eat both hot and cold.


  • chicken liver – 430 g;
  • vegetable oil;
  • onion – 140 g;
  • boiled buckwheat – 120 g;
  • black pepper;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • salt;
  • flour – 50 g.


  1. Cut the onion into slices. Send to a meat grinder. Twist. Do the same with the liver.
  2. Beat the eggs into the resulting mass. Add slightly undercooked buckwheat.
  3. Mix together with flour. Salt and sprinkle with pepper. Stir.
  4. Heat a frying pan with oil. Spoon the liver dough into cutlets.
  5. Fry on one side for about 4 minutes, then turn over and simmer until done.
  6. You can serve with sour cream or mayonnaise.

With oat flakes

Not many people have a positive attitude towards liver dishes. But this recipe will completely change the idea of ​​a healthy product. The cutlets turn out surprisingly tender, airy and simply melt in your mouth.


  • chicken liver – 850 g;
  • olive oil;
  • onion – 160 g;
  • dill;
  • oat flakes – 120 g;
  • eggs – 1 pc.;
  • pepper;
  • salt;
  • garlic – 3 cloves.

Step by step steps:

  1. Chop the onion as desired. Place in a meat grinder along with the washed liver and garlic. Grind.
  2. Salt and pepper the mixture. Beat in the egg and mix with oatmeal. You should get a homogeneous consistency.
  3. Leave for half an hour. There is no need to rush. The flakes should swell and absorb excess moisture.
  4. Pour oil into the pan. Wait until it warms up. Place the pieces with a large spoon.
  5. Fry the cutlets until golden brown. Turn over and cook until done.

Recipe for chopped cutlets

If you like to feel the pieces of liver and want to get fluffier cutlets, then you should use the next option.

You will need:

  • chicken liver – 750 g;
  • salt;
  • flour – 40 g;
  • garlic;
  • olive oil;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • starch – 40 g;
  • pepper;
  • sour cream – 35 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. The easiest to cut is slightly frozen liver. To do this, place the offal in the freezer for half an hour, and then cut into pieces of approximately 1x1 centimeter.
  2. Add pepper. Add chopped garlic and add salt. Pour in the sour cream, then beat in the eggs.
  3. Add starch and flour. Mix. Leave for a couple of hours in the refrigerator.
  4. Scoop the liver dough with a large spoon and place in a saucepan with well-heated oil.
  5. Fry until golden brown on one side.
  6. Turn over and fry until fully cooked on the other.

How to cook liver cutlets in the oven

Cutlets cooked in the oven are many times healthier than fried ones, and they take less time. We offer a surprisingly simple and tasty recipe.


  • potatoes – 160 g;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • onion – 160 g;
  • oat flakes – 130 g;
  • black pepper – 4 g;
  • chicken liver – 550 g;
  • hard cheese – 120 g.

What to do:

  1. Place oats in a food processor and pulse.
  2. Clean and wash the liver.
  3. Chop the potatoes and onions randomly and put them in a meat grinder along with the liver. Twist.
  4. Grate the cheese using a medium grater.
  5. Add to the main mixture and mix with oatmeal.
  6. Fill silicone muffin tins with minced meat.
  7. Place them on a baking sheet and bake in the oven. Temperature range 180°.

When planning to cook delicious liver cutlets, you should pay special attention to the choice of liver. The taste and benefits of the dish depend on its quality.
