A group of Georgians or Georgians. There are many problems with food names due to the use of plurals. General concept of morphological norms

What is the “rule of vegetables” in our grammar, explains Ksenia TURKOVA, Candidate of Philological Sciences.

Events in Ukraine and their comparison, for example, with the situation in South Ossetia and Abkhazia, made us think again about which is correct: Georgians or Georgians, Ossetians or Ossetians? However, this is not the only difficulty associated with the use of the plural. There are many examples, let’s take the closest ones...

Grams/kilograms. In the journalistic team they will definitely correct you if they hear the plural form of “gram”: “That’s right, “grams”!” However, in fact, forms with zero endings - gram and kilogram - have long been acceptable in colloquial speech (like neuter coffee). In the academic “Grammar of the Russian Language” of 1952 (!), the form “gram/kilogram” is generally indicated as the only one. So you can safely ask for one hundred grams of sausage. True, if you are giving a public speech, writing an official document or a journalistic text, then it is better to choose the full, more literary form. But in the expression “front-line hundred grams”, nothing needs to be changed under any circumstances - this is a stable combination.

Georgians, Ossetians, Turks. Remember, nouns denoting some nationalities do not have an ending in the genitive plural. The correct word would be “Georgians” and not “Georgians”, “Ossetians” and not “Ossetians”, “Gypsies” and not “Gypsies”. The “Turks” have the same option. “No Turks” is wrong.

Socks/stockings. If you can’t remember “stockings” or “stockings” and you also always get confused with socks, refer to the mnemonic rule. The stockings are long, but their ending is short: no stockings. But the socks, on the contrary, are short and have a long ending: there are no socks. This is the easiest option to remember.

Pancakes. If you stumble while trying to tell your relatives that you have baked pancakes/pancakes, of course, it’s best to say “pancakes.” But what about those who cannot tolerate diminutive forms? Remember the correct option: pancakes.

Tomatoes/oranges/pasta. There are a lot of problems with food names in general. Put macaroni or pasta? Slice an orange or oranges? Throw rotten tomatoes or tomatoes?

Everything is simple with pasta: you need to shorten it to make it more convenient. Correct option: pasta. With tomatoes and oranges (as well as, for example, apricots) it is a little more complicated. The correct option is considered full: oranges, tomatoes. But in colloquial speech, a form with a zero ending is also acceptable. So you can buy a “pack of orange” at the market and in the store. But the literary norm is still complete!

Shoes and manger. The question of “shoes or shoes” and where to put the emphasis there arises quite often. The literary norm is “no shoes,” with the emphasis on the first syllable. The option “NO SHOES” is marked by almost all dictionaries as unacceptable. Although some allow it in colloquial speech. The help service of the Gramota.ru portal recommends using one option: shoes. The singular number is shoe.

But the word “manger”, on the contrary, has the correct variant with “-ey”: manger. The stress falls on the first syllable. Remember the phrase: “I left the manger without shoes” - and everything will become clear to you.

Soldiers/epaulets. Remember the junior lieutenant from Irina Allegrova’s song? “Only two stars fell on his shoulder strap...” But what if they fell not ON, but C? With shoulder straps or with shoulder straps? Here we need to remember the “principle of nationality”, it works exactly the same. Georgians - Ossetians - shoulder straps.

By the way, the same rule applies to the word “soldiers”. The correct option is: “no soldiers.”

Rails. If there is a train accident, then journalists are always confused: some say that the train went “off the rails,” while others say that it “went off the rails.” And here we need to remember the “vegetable rule”. The correct option is the one that is more complete: “The train went off the rails.” Test phrase: “The train was carrying a ton of tomatoes and derailed.” True, in colloquial speech the option “went off the rails” is acceptable.

Sheets, pokers. We will devote the last paragraph to especially difficult cases. I think you have tried more than once, just for fun, to form the plural (genitive case) of the word “poker.” In everyday life, the ability to change the word “poker” is unlikely to be useful, but it still doesn’t hurt to know. That's right - poker. A sheet is a sheet.

Here's some advice for you: "Don't leave the sheets without the sheets." This phrase will also help you remember the emphasis.

Stockings, socks and shoes: dealing with the difficulties of the plural
We remember how to correctly bow “manger”, “pancakes” and “ugg boots”

Events in Ukraine and their comparison, for example, with the situation in South Ossetia and Abkhazia, made us think again about which is correct: Georgians or Georgians, Ossetians or Ossetians? However, this is not the only difficulty associated with the use of the plural. “Moscow News” has made a reminder for those who want to buy one hundred gram(s) of sausage, a kilogram of tomato(s), as well as stockings, socks and shoes.

1. Grams/kilograms. The most painful question related to the plural. In the journalistic team they will definitely correct you if they hear the form of “gram”: “That’s right, “gram”!” However, in fact, forms with zero endings - gram and kilogram - have long been acceptable in colloquial speech (like neuter coffee). In the academic “Grammar of the Russian Language” of 1952 (!), the form “gram/kilogram” is generally indicated as the only form. So you can safely ask for one hundred grams of sausage. True, if you are giving a public speech, writing an official document or a journalistic text, then it is better to choose the full, more literary form.

But in the expression “front-line hundred grams”, nothing needs to be changed under any circumstances - this is a stable combination.

2. Georgians, Ossetians, Turks. Remember that nouns denoting some nationalities do not have an ending in the genitive plural. The correct word would be “Georgians” and not “Georgians”, “Ossetians” and not “Ossetians”, “Gypsies” and not “Gypsies”.
Remember the “Turk” option too. “No Turks” is wrong.

3. Socks/stockings. If you can’t remember “stockings” or “stockings” and you also always get confused with socks, refer to the mnemonic rule. The stockings are long, but their ending is short: no stockings. But the socks, on the contrary, are short and have a long ending: there are no socks. This is the easiest option to remember.

4. Pancakes. If you stumble while trying to tell your relatives that you have baked pancakes/pancakes, of course, it’s best to say “pancakes.” But what about those who cannot tolerate diminutive forms? Remember the correct option: pancakes.

5. Tomatoes/oranges/pasta. There are a lot of problems with food names in general. Put macaroni or pasta? Slice an orange or oranges? Throw rotten tomatoes or tomatoes?

Everything is simple with pasta: you need to shorten it to make it more convenient. Correct option: pasta. There is no ending.

With tomatoes and oranges (as well as, for example, apricots) it is a little more complicated. The correct option is considered full: oranges, tomatoes. But in colloquial speech, a form with a zero ending is also acceptable. So you can buy a “pack of orange” at the market and in the store. But remember that the literary norm is still complete!

By the way, there are names of vegetables and fruits whose zero ending is considered unacceptable even in oral speech. You can’t, for example, “weigh half a kilo of banana,” but you can “weigh a couple of kilos of eggplant.”

6. Shoes and manger. The question of “shoes or shoes” and where to put the emphasis there arises quite often. The literary norm is “no shoes,” with the emphasis on the first syllable. The option “NO SHOES” is marked by almost all dictionaries as unacceptable. Although some are acceptable in colloquial speech.

The help service of the Gramota.ru portal recommends using only one option: shoes. The singular number is shoe.

But the word “manger,” on the contrary, has the correct version with “-ey”: Manger. The stress falls on the first syllable.
Remember the phrase: “I left the Nursery without shoes” - and everything will become clear to you.

7. Soldiers/epaulets. Remember the junior lieutenant from Irina Allegrova’s song? “Only two stars fell on his shoulder strap...” But what if they fell not ON, but WITH? With shoulder straps or with shoulder straps?

Here we need to remember the “principle of nationality”; it works exactly the same here. Georgian - Ossetian - shoulder straps.

By the way, the same rule applies to the word “soldiers”. The correct option is: “no soldiers.”

8. Rails. If there is a train accident, then journalists are always confused: some say that the train went “off the rails,” while others say that it “derailed.” And here we need to remember the “vegetable rule”. The correct option is the one that is more complete: “The train went off the rails.”

Remember the phrase: “The train was carrying a ton of tomatoes and derailed.”

True, in colloquial speech the option “went off the rails” is acceptable.

9. Carats. When it comes to jewelry, dictionaries make some concessions. You can use “karat” or “carat”. Wear it for your health!

10. Donya, sheets, pokers. We will devote the last paragraph to especially difficult cases. I think you have tried more than once, just for fun, to form the plural (genitive case) of the word “poker.” In everyday life, the ability to change the word “poker” is unlikely to be useful, but it still doesn’t hurt to know. That's right - poker.

As for the word “bottom”, the correct option would be the form “bottoms”.

Sheet - sheet.

Here's some advice for you: "Don't leave the sheets without the sheets." This phrase will also help you remember the emphasis.

Unanswered question

It is completely unclear what to do with the modern footwear of the peoples of the world - Ugg boots. Which is correct: ugg or ugg? Both sound terribly clumsy. Most likely, the “UGG” option is more correct. But if you still want to avoid this difficult choice, tell them that there are a lot of “Uggs” in the store. Yes, it’s disgusting, but what should I do?

Givi, your dogs are biting my strawberries.
- He doesn't bite, he sniffs.
- So that he sniffs pop tabbe like he pecks at my strawberry.

A small mountain town in Georgia. Our business traveler enters a wine and vodka store. Behind the counter, of course, is a Georgian seller. Business trip:
- Please tell me, do you have “Khvanchkara”?
- Of course, dear.
He takes an empty bottle, pours red liquid into it from a nearby barrel, corks it, takes out the Khvanchkara label from under the counter, sticks it on the bottle and hands it to the client. A business traveler, seeing something like this:
- You know, I’ll probably take “Kinzmarauli” instead.
- As you wish, dear.
Again he takes an empty bottle, pours the same liquid into it from the same barrel, corks it, takes out the “Kinzmarauli” label from under the counter, sticks it on and hands the bottle to the buyer.
Business trip (without any hope):
- Or maybe you have Teliani?
Georgian, looking under the counter:
- Yes, but there are no stickers.

A Georgian comes to a bread store, wants to buy two buns, and forgot how to say “two” in Russian, thought for a moment and said:
“Girl, give me three buns,” then he adds, “one nada!”

The Georgian sits eating a frog, the second one comes up:
- What are you doing?
- I eat fish.
- Where did you get it?
- I jumped myself.
- Why green?
- Probably still young.

At the Biathlon World Championships, a Georgian biathlete missed all 5 shots, drove up and stabbed the target with a dagger!

A Georgian is walking, and in front of him are two blondes:
- Girls, I want you!
- But we don’t!
- Well, it does, it does.

What do you call a Georgian carrying a ram under his left armpit and a goat under his right?
- Bisexual.

Married soldiers have gathered in the army and are talking about their wedding night. First:
- On my wedding night, my wife arranged such a holiday, in the highest class. This way and that. Where did I learn?
“And I fucked mine like that, the next day she was lying down and couldn’t walk.”
The third is Georgian:
- On the third wedding night...
- Which third, we are talking about the first.
- Don't worry, yes! On the third wedding night...
- You don’t understand, we’re talking about the first one.
- No worries, he said! On the third wedding night, my handsome young wife says: Givi, listen, get it, I want to write.

Zoo. There is an excursion past the gorilla cage. The last one is the Georgian. Suddenly he looks around, leans towards the cage and whispers:
- Givi, is that you?

The Georgian runs to the doctor, there are many patients there, but the Georgian does not pay attention and shouts:
- Doctor! I have problems with my d*ck!
- Listen! There are a lot of people here! Could you say this somehow... softer?
- Softer? OK. Doctor! I have problems with my ear!
- Here! So much better! And what's wrong with your ear??
- IT DOESN'T pee on me!

The Georgian took tests to the hospital, and when he came to find out the result, he was mistakenly told that he was pregnant.
He walks through the village, so sad, and then another Georgian shouts to him from the window:
- Hey Gogi, let’s go to Achko and play
- Enough, we've already finished the game.

Vakhtang and Givi met.
- I had a dream yesterday. I bought a 600 Mercedes and I’m driving it along Rustaveli Avenue, there are a lot of people standing there and everyone is waving at me, and I go past them, suddenly you jump up and wave at me more than anyone else, and I’m driving past you and don’t stop...
- Dear, what a dream I had yesterday. I come to the Iveria restaurant, see Pugacheva there, well, I liked her and spent the evening with her in the restaurant. Then she says to me: Gogi, I love you and want you. She and I went to the room. Suddenly I answer the knock on the door, and there Rotaru rushes at me and says that he loves me and wants me. Well, you see, I’m the only one of them, I jump out onto Rustaveli Avenue. I see you driving a Mercedes, I wave to you, and like a fool you pass me by, back and forth!

Gamarjoba! Please do not take the text below as the ultimate truth and treat this post with humor, but there is a certain amount of truth in my words! So, why should you never go to ?

    • You'll get fat

The fact that I gained 3 kg in a month and a half in Georgia is not Georgia’s fault, but my lack of willpower, but a similar effect in the form of additional kilograms is observed not only in me.

Georgia has very tasty food. Juicy, fresh, and most importantly - fatty! Khachapuri with margarine, cheeses, khinkali, lavash and huge cakes will tempt even the most strong-willed person at every turn.

Impossible to resist!

    • You'll start drinking

There is a cult of wine in Georgia. Literally in every village and in every house you will be treated to chacha and homemade wine. When I first got to Georgia, I had not drunk alcohol in any form for a long time, but three days later I drank my first glass of wine when I found myself in Georgia.

Behind him was the second, third and fourth. We were given wine as a greeting in the apartments we rented, they poured chacha for the meeting with the words that chacha was good for digestion.

Over time, I developed the habit of carrying a bottle of pomegranate or apple juice with me so that I could add a soft drink to a glass under the table without offending the Georgians. At the same time, she poured the wine into the bushes. Ugly, but what can you do?

You order a glass of wine at a restaurant, and you get a whole decanter!
  • You will eat animals

Even if you are a convinced vegetarian, you won’t get far in Georgia with such a lifestyle. You either need to sit at home and not communicate with anyone, or be prepared for the fact that they will feed you delicious kebab, slip you khinkali with meat, or treat you to fried chicken.

Of course, in Georgia you can eat vegetables, fruits and side dishes, but the basis of Georgian cuisine is meat dishes and in order to experience Georgia, you will have to eat them!))

Offtop. I get asked from time to time about vegetarianism, so I’ll answer here. During my first trip to Georgia in 2013, I still somehow held on, but this year I let go of the situation and ate whatever I wanted. Over the past couple of years, my perception of this world has changed, and any extreme no longer fits into the concept of normality.

Long-term communication in Asia with vegans, people who practice dry fasting, home-grown yogis and lovers of celibacy in order to conserve energy made it possible to become convinced that happiness is not in what you eat and whether you do specific exercises, but in not throwing yourself into extremes, turning into a fanatic of teachings often imposed from outside.

The main thing is to listen to yourself, your body and do what is comfortable for you personally. My path is running (not yoga) and delicious food (including Brunswick sausage and chicken with cheese). Thus, although I rarely eat meat.

If it is more pleasant for someone to starve, eat plant roots, engage in philosophy and conserve sexual energy - this is your right, just do not judge others, lest you be judged.

  • You will start talking to strangers on the street

My first trip to Georgia
  • You will fall in love with a Georgian and your heart will break!

I am writing this point for girls. If you can take the previous lines as a joke, then I ask you to take what is written below seriously.

Don't fall in love with Georgians! Georgian men are handsome, passionate, sexy. They may pay you compliments, give you flowers and give you generous courtship. Unfortunately, as practice shows, most beautiful words remain words and deeds that are not supported in any way.

Georgians light up very quickly and burn out just as quickly, so do not rush to sell off your property and move to a Georgian village to live with your newly found loved one. Look at actions, not words. The concept of marital fidelity among Georgian men is also very vague.

I made similar conclusions based on personal experience, as well as experience in communicating with dozens of people. She asked her questions about relationships, about affairs with foreigners and about marital fidelity to Georgian men, Georgian women and girls who had relationships with Georgians.

Based on people’s responses, I formed the following rule for myself: “You can have a holiday romance with a Georgian without deep feelings for fun if you really want to, but it’s better not to have a serious relationship.”

Of course, dividing someone based on nationality and looking at a group of people from the bell tower of one’s own stereotypes is an imprudent matter. Everyone has their own unique qualities, everyone has gone their own way, which has nothing to do with the country in which a person was born, however, the environment, upbringing and example of other people have a certain influence on the formation of personality, which is why there is such a thing as mentality.

I’m used to writing on my blog only the truth and my personal opinion, don’t blame me if you didn’t like it. With my last point I don't want to offend anyone. I have Georgian friends whom I sincerely love with all my heart. These are wonderful, sympathetic, kind people who treat guests of their country with respect, but if we talk about the love between a Georgian man and a woman from another country, then a number of questions already arise.

About my new friend and dentistry in Georgia

How a Georgian scammed me out of $2000

I will be sincerely glad if, in the comments to this post, you want to shatter my skeptical attitude and give examples from life in which you or your friends have developed long-term relationships with Georgians, or simply share your knowledge and thoughts on this matter.

Flights to Georgia

If after all this you still decide to fly to Georgia, you can compare ticket prices in the sign. Here are the lowest prices for tickets Moscow Tbilisi Moscow (round trip) by month. You can select your city in the search terms, adjust the number of days and buy tickets online at the lowest price.

See you in Georgia! Sincerely,

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