Quotes from the book “The Little Prince” by Exupery. Quotes from the Little Prince Exupery Sayings from the Little Prince about love

Quotes from Exupery's "The Little Prince" have become catchphrases. They are familiar even to those who have not read the famous book by the French pilot. They are often pronounced in the belief that they are proverbs or sayings. But the words of the characters in this allegorical work contain truth that helps to look at the world with completely different eyes.

A philosophical story written by Saint-Exupéry in 1943 consists of wise philosophical sayings. from whose monologues have become part of modern culture, is a character symbolizing sincerity, purity and love.

Tidy up your planet

In the story, the meeting of the hero with the fairy-tale Prince is depicted by Antoine Exupery. "The Little Prince", quotes from which are philosophical sayings, is a book about children's wisdom and the stupidity of adults. Who is this strange boy who met the pilot after his plane crashed? What does his strange talk about elephants, roses, sheep and baobabs mean? Perhaps the hero's meeting with the mysterious Prince is the author's return to his own childhood...

"Beware of the baobabs!" - says the boy. And these words contain a hint of the stupidity of an adult who, being in his delusions, does not see the evil that is growing and killing everything in the area. Baobab seeds symbolize in the story a harmless, at first glance, micro-evil.

Power must first of all be reasonable

The Little Prince lived on a tiny planet. But he liked to travel. On another, equally small planet, he met a Monarch who had no subjects and no one to give orders to. But, despite everything, the local king was confident in his

With the help of his characters, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry described great human mistakes and delusions. “The Little Prince,” quotes from which, as a rule, are sayings of a strange boy, an inhabitant of an unprecedented planet, became adults all over the world about why they live, what is important and what is secondary in their lives.

The ambitious man is deaf to everything except praise

On the second planet there lived a vain man. “Adults are strange people,” the Prince thought after meeting the ambitious man. This man wanted nothing but admiration and honor.

The most common vices of modern society were depicted in his book by Antoine Exupery. whose sayings have turned into wise catchphrases, personifies the idea that over the years a person loses the ability to understand simple things and increasingly drowns in his own illusions.

Adults are amazing people

The Little Prince visited the planet of the Drunkard. The unfortunate man did nothing except drink. And he drank because he was ashamed... After visiting this joyless planet, the Prince went to visit a very busy man, therefore to the Lamplighter, and then to the Geographer. But none of these people were happy. And then the hero Exupery decided to visit planet Earth. After all, it is very big and has a good reputation.

You are responsible for those you tamed

Not all famous quotes from Exupery’s “The Little Prince” are sayings of the travel philosopher. On Earth, the hero met a Fox. He discovered the most important secret.

A person is always responsible for the one he has tamed. People have forgotten this simple truth. They don't try to tame anyone at all. Moreover, they do not spend time understanding and studying something, but prefer to buy things ready-made. But the trouble is that there is no store that sells friendship or love.

It's good where we are not

People today pronounce quotes from Exupery’s “The Little Prince” without trying to understand these words.

The Prince met the Switchman on Earth, sorting passengers. People were in a hurry to get on the train, but not because they were late. Haste and bustle have become an integral part of their lives. Only the children in the train carriage leaned against the window and watched the fleeing landscape. After all, only they know what they want.

Every person has their own stars

Quotes from Exupery's "The Little Prince" are associated with such concepts as love, friendship, devotion. After meeting the Fox, the boy begins to understand what simple human affection consists of. And by comprehending the essence of love and friendship, he becomes a real person. A year passes, and the Little Prince must leave planet Earth. He can do this now only by abandoning his physical shell, namely, he must die.

The beauty of the world around us cannot be appreciated if there is emptiness in our hearts. “You can’t see the main thing with your eyes,” says the Fox to the Prince. And perhaps this phrase is key in the philosophical work of the French writer. After all, the Prince on Earth discovers that the Rose that remained on his planet is not the only one of its kind. There are thousands like her on Earth. But the Little Prince only needs one, the one he tamed.

The story-parable The Little Prince is a brilliant work by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. The book contains many illustrations made by the author himself. They are an integral part of the work; it is the visual perception of the plot that makes it easier to understand the meaning of the parable.

The parable genre was not chosen by chance. There is no clear plot outline; the main emphasis of the presentation is on the didactic side of the book. The fairy tale The Little Prince is not only a story for children about a boy’s exciting journey, it is also a philosophical treatise for adults. In the work, the author reflects on love, responsibility, childhood, friendship, and devotion.


It's good where we are not.

You need to appreciate what you have, in pursuit of “it’s good there”, you can lose what you have...

If there is nothing or no one to compare with, then it seems that this is the limit of perfection.

It's stupid to lie when you can be caught so easily.

In order not to be caught in your own lies, it is better to always tell the truth.

You can only learn those things that you tame.

Only those close to you can be solved.

When I was six years old, adults convinced me that I would not be an artist, and I learned to draw nothing except boa constrictors - outside and inside.

Convincing from childhood of the lack of talent, without allowing it to manifest itself, is the most monstrous act that parents are capable of.

All you have to do is move the chair a few steps. And you look at the sunset sky again and again, you just have to want...

You can get a lot of things in life, the main thing is to want...

It's in vain that you come with me. It will hurt you to look at me. You'll think I'm dying, but that's not true...

There is nothing worse in life than seeing loved ones die.

My friend never explained anything to me. Maybe he thought I was just like him.

Friends don't have to explain everything in words. They can do this with thoughts.

And people lack imagination. They only repeat what you tell them...

Lack of imagination makes our life very boring and dull.

But, unfortunately, I don’t know how to see the lamb through the walls of the box. Maybe I'm a little like the adults. I guess I'm getting old.

The ability to see something unusual in the simplest things is characteristic mainly of children. Adults don't have the imagination for this.

When you really want to make a joke, sometimes you inevitably lie.

Well, or not that you will lie, but slightly embellish. It sounds more harmless...)))

Vain people always think that everyone admires them.

At the same time, they may simply be despised...

When you tell adults: “I saw a beautiful house made of pink brick, there are geraniums in the windows and pigeons on the roof,” they cannot imagine this house. You need to tell them: “I saw a house for a hundred thousand francs,” and then they exclaim: “what a beauty!”

For adults, everything is measured by money. Everything, even beauty.

People get on fast trains, but they themselves don’t understand what they are looking for, said the Little Prince. “That’s why they don’t know peace and rush in one direction, then in the other...

To go in the right direction, you need to know what you want from life.

You should never listen to what flowers say. You just have to look at them and breathe in their scent.

Sometimes words are meaningless. Appearance and smell will tell a lot more.

“You are beautiful, but empty,” continued the Little Prince. - I won’t want to die for your sake. Of course, a random passerby, looking at my rose, will say that it is exactly the same as you. But she alone is dearer to me than all of you.

If you want to die for something, then it is priceless.

After all, it was her, not you, that I watered every day. He covered her, not you, with a glass cover. He blocked it with a screen, protecting it from the wind. I killed caterpillars for her, leaving only two or three so that the butterflies hatched. I listened to how she complained and how she boasted, I listened to her even when she fell silent. She is mine.

You love when you put your soul into it...

Only children know what they are looking for. They devote all their days to a rag doll, and it becomes very, very dear to them, and if it is taken away from them, the children cry...

And only adults are always uncertain and never know exactly what they want in this life.

Don't wait, it's unbearable! If you decide to leave, then leave.

The thought of separation is unbearable.

We all come from childhood.

Only adult life takes away the feeling of beauty, carelessness, and sincerity.

Your rose is so dear to you because you gave it your whole soul.

When you devote all of yourself to something, it becomes the meaning of your whole life...

I'm sorry. And try to be happy!…

The most important thing is to understand that the one you love is happy.

I didn't want you to get hurt. You yourself wanted me to tame you.

Sometimes attachment causes unbearable pain.

Yes, yes, I love you. It's my fault that you didn't know this.

You should never remain silent about your feelings.

Vain people are deaf to everything except praise.

This is their main problem.

For all these people the stars are mute. And you will have very special stars...

If you love nature, then it will speak to you...

I didn’t understand anything then! It was necessary to judge not by words, but by deeds. She gave me her scent and illuminated my life. I shouldn't have run. Behind these pitiful tricks and tricks one had to guess the tenderness. The flowers are so inconsistent! But I was too young, I didn’t know how to love yet.

The ability to love comes with age.

The fairy tale-parable The Little Prince returns adults to a carefree childhood, where everything was so sincere, and spiritual values ​​prevailed over material wealth. Share quotes and catchphrases from the brilliant work of Exupery - remind your friends what you really need to value in this life.

“The Little Prince” is a legendary work by the French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. This children's fairy tale for adults was first published in 1943, since then there is not a person in the world who does not know its main character - the boy with golden hair.

“The Little Prince” has been translated into more than 180 languages, films have been made based on it, and music has been written. The book became part of modern culture and was scattered into quotes.

“But if it is some kind of bad herb, you need to pull it out by the roots as soon as you recognize it.”

In the allegorical story of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, the planet is the soul, the inner world of a person, and the bad grass is his bad thoughts, actions and habits. The seeds of the “bad grass” should be gotten rid of immediately, before they take root, become a character trait and destroy the personality. After all, if the planet is very small, and there are a lot of baobabs, they will tear it to shreds.

“I must tolerate two or three caterpillars if I want to meet butterflies.”

Some people are unpleasant to us, “slippery” and cunning, like caterpillars. But this does not mean that they have nothing beautiful inside. Perhaps they are just looking for their path, and someday they will turn into beautiful butterflies. We must be more tolerant of the shortcomings of others and be able to see the beauty even in the unpleasant.

“How to call so that he can hear, how to catch up with his soul, which is eluding me... After all, it is so mysterious and unknown, this country of tears...”

It is difficult to sympathize with someone else's pain, sincerely and delicately. Almost the same as asking for forgiveness when you have offended. All words seem unnecessary and incorrect. “The Land of Tears” is truly incomprehensible. But the main thing is not to forget how to empathize, not to become hardened by unscrewing another stubborn bolt.

“After all, all adults were children at first, only few of them remember this”

Children are amazing. Until they are taught to think “correctly,” wonderful ideas are born in their heads. Their imagination is limitless and pure. It’s a pity that adults don’t remember how innocent and beautiful a child’s “planet” is. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry throughout the book reminds how important it is to preserve the child inside you and not bury your childhood dreams and talents.

“Words only make it difficult to understand each other”

People speak billions of words. Most of them are unnecessary and empty. How many words do you regret? But this is how the world works - without words, there would probably be no society. You just need to remember what power they have - with one phrase you can make a person happy or unhappy, make you cry or laugh. Be careful. And take care of the people with whom you feel comfortable staying silent - this is priceless.

“Your rose is so dear to you because you gave it all your days.”

“The Earth is not an easy planet! People don't take up that much space on Earth." There are 7 billion of us. Even more. But each of us has only a couple of truly close people. No matter how cynical it may be, we do not love people, but the time spent with them. Shared experiences and adventures are what make your rose unique, unlike thousands of other roses.

“When you let yourself be tamed, then you cry”

It's easier for singles. For himself, but he won’t be deceived, it won’t hurt. It's hard to trust. Or rather, very scary. If there were still stores where friends trade, many would become regular customers. But, fortunately, there are none. And you have to “tame it.” Scary as hell. After all, we all know that rare friendships are complete without tears.

“Then judge yourself,” said the king. - This is the most difficult thing. It is much more difficult to judge yourself than others. If you can judge yourself correctly, then you are truly wise.”

If anyone is truly wise, it is de Saint-Exupéry. People love to “pass judgment” on each other (especially on the Internet – don’t give me bread, let me write a condemning comment). It's so simple. I told the person where he was wrong, and there was no need to do anything else. It's another thing to judge yourself. At a minimum, you will have to weed the baobab trees.

“Only the heart is vigilant. You can’t see the most important thing with your eyes.”

“Listen to your heart” - this phrase can often be heard in songs and films. Perhaps it is the second most popular after “I love you”. This makes us not take her seriously. But this does not negate its depth and wisdom. You cannot believe only what is external, you cannot be rational always and everywhere. Trust your heart - it will not let you down.

“You are forever responsible for everyone you have tamed”

These are words that do not require reasoning. We must not forget about our loved ones, not for a minute, not for a second. We must ensure that they never end up in the land of tears. We are obliged to cover them with a glass cover of our care.

Which of us was not a child?... Who has not thought about how fleeting childhood is with its naive wisdom and passion for travel, the unknown... Probably, there are no such people and Antoine de Saint-Exupéry is no exception!

It was he who gave us the legendary “Little Prince” - a storehouse of wisdom, childish spontaneity and kindness. Quotes from Exupery's "The Little Prince" have become catchphrases that inspire us to everyday exploits.

Yes, yes, after all, a feat is not only saving a drowning person, but also helping with advice, participation and just a kind smile, which makes the heart of the one you smile warmer...

Meet Exupery's best quotes from The Little Prince.

  • Adults love numbers very much. When you tell them that you have a new friend, they will never ask about the most important thing. They will never say: “What’s his voice like? What games does he like to play? Does he catch butterflies? They ask: “How old is he? How many brothers does he have? How much does he weigh? How much does his father earn? And after that they imagine that they recognize the person...
  • It's stupid to lie when you can be caught so easily!
  • ...you can be true to your word and still be lazy.
  • He didn't answer any of my questions, but when you blush, it means yes, doesn't it?
  • Here is the proof that the Little Prince really existed: he was very, very nice, he laughed, and he wanted to have a lamb. And whoever wants a lamb certainly exists.
  • Children should be very lenient towards adults.
  • When you allow yourself to be tamed, then it happens that you cry.
  • When you really want to make a joke, sometimes you inevitably lie.

  • My friend never explained anything to me. Maybe he thought I was just like him.
  • The most important thing is what you cannot see with your eyes...
  • Lamps must be taken care of: a gust of wind can extinguish them...
  • I didn't know what else to tell him. I felt terribly awkward and clumsy. How to call so that he can hear, how to catch up with his soul, which is eluding me...
  • The little prince had never seen such huge buds and had a presentiment that he would see a miracle. And the unknown guest, still hidden within the walls of her green room, was still getting ready, still preening. She carefully selected the colors. She dressed up slowly, trying on the petals one by one. She did not want to come into the world disheveled, like some kind of poppy. She wanted to appear in all the splendor of her beauty. Yes, she was a terrible coquette! Mysterious preparations continued day after day. And finally, one morning, as soon as the sun rose, the petals opened.
  • - The heart also needs water...

  • After all, I didn’t want you to be hurt, you yourself wanted me to tame you.
  • All adults were children at first, but few of them remember this.
  • All roads lead to people.
  • If you can judge yourself correctly, then you are truly wise.
  • Words only interfere with understanding each other.
  • After all, it is so mysterious and unknown, this country of tears.
  • It's very sad when friends are forgotten. Not everyone had a friend.
  • But, unfortunately, I don’t know how to see the lamb through the walls of the box. Maybe I'm a little like the adults. I guess I'm getting old.
    Whether it's a house, a star or a desert, the most beautiful thing about them is what you can't see with your eyes.
  • Adults never understand anything themselves, and for children it is very tiring to endlessly explain and explain everything to them.
  • Adults imagine that they take up a lot of space.
  • Laughter is like a spring in the desert.

  • And people lack imagination. They only repeat what you tell them... At home I had a flower, my beauty and joy, and it was always the first to speak.
  • « If you love a flower, it is the only one that is no longer on any of the many millions of stars...»
  • “People get on fast trains, but they themselves don’t understand what they are looking for,” said the Little Prince. “That’s why they don’t know peace and rush in one direction, then in the other...
    People grow five thousand roses in one garden... and do not find what they are looking for...
  • - I didn’t understand anything then! It was necessary to judge not by words, but by deeds. She gave me her scent and illuminated my life. I shouldn't have run. Behind these pitiful tricks and tricks one had to guess the tenderness. The flowers are so inconsistent! But I was too young, I didn’t know how to love yet.
  • Do you know why the desert is good? Springs are hidden somewhere in it...

Goodbye, he said.
The beauty did not answer.
“Goodbye,” repeated the Little Prince.
She coughed. But not from a cold.
“I was stupid,” she said finally. - I'm sorry. And try to be happy.
And not a word of reproach. The little prince was very surprised. He froze, embarrassed and confused, with a glass cap in his hands. Where does this quiet tenderness come from?
“Yes, yes, I love you,” he heard. - It's my fault that you didn't know this. Yes, it doesn’t matter. But you were just as stupid as me. Try to be happy... Leave the cap, I don’t need it anymore.
- But the wind...
- I’m not that cold... The freshness of the night will do me good. After all, I am a flower.
- But animals, insects...
- I must tolerate two or three caterpillars if I want to get acquainted with butterflies. They must be lovely. Otherwise, who will visit me? You'll be far away. But I'm not afraid of big animals. I also have claws.
And she, in the simplicity of her soul, showed her four thorns. Then she added:
- Don’t wait, it’s unbearable! If you decide to leave, then leave.
She didn't want the Little Prince to see her cry. It was a very proud flower...

You know... my rose... I am responsible for her. And she is so weak! And so simple-minded. All she has is four measly thorns; she has nothing else to protect herself from the world...

- I know one planet, there lives one gentleman with a purple face. He had never smelled a flower in his entire life. I never looked at a star. He never loved anyone. And he never did anything. He is busy with only one thing: he adds numbers. And from morning to night he repeats one thing: “I am a serious person! I’m a serious person!” - just like you. And he's literally swelled with pride. But in reality he is not a person. He's a mushroom.

The kind, bright “Little Prince” is a work that explodes the heart with a sea of ​​positivity, kindness and love. The Prince touches the subtle strings of the soul, bringing back the most rosy memories of our childhood.

A true master of the pen, Antoine de Saint-Exupery created in his simple and very elegant manner, created an eternal classic that EVERYONE reads!

And the children, with eyes shining with happiness, “cheer” for the lonely rose and learn friendship from the Prince and the Fox. And adults, anew, comprehend the cozy world of childhood, and even gray-haired people of a wise age, no, no, and even leaf through the pages of “The Prince,” remembering a fabulous “barefoot” childhood, where there was no place for sorrows, mother baked delicious pies, and the word “friendship” "was an immutable canon.

It is a pleasure to read and re-read this wise story about courage, kindness, understanding, bravery and simplicity. The Little Prince's vivid dialogues are so unusual, simple and at the same time wise that you don't always want to feel grown-up and down-to-earth while reading the book.

The Little Prince is a shining example of how to live and what to breathe, learns to look at the world with the clear eyes of a child.. The Little Prince is a traveler not only “to the stars,” but also a wanderer “to the soul.” He is interested in everything incomprehensible, everything that so attracts the common man: from an ordinary book to unknown nature.

The work of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry “The Little Prince” is really interesting for its sensations that the reader receives through the prism of the main character. And it’s so cool and airy that you start to believe in miracles!

“All adults were children at first, but few of them remember it.”

“I’m afraid of becoming like adults who are interested in nothing but numbers”

“The most important thing is what you cannot see with your eyes.”

“When you let yourself be tamed, then it happens that you cry.”

“You are forever responsible for everyone you tamed.”

“Only the heart is vigilant. You can’t see the most important thing with your eyes.”

“Where are the people? - The Little Prince finally spoke again. - It’s still lonely in the desert...

It’s also lonely among people,” the snake noted.”

“You are beautiful, but empty...I don’t want to die for you.”

"Every person has his own stars"

“You got up in the morning, washed your face, put yourself in order - and immediately put your planet in order.”

“Adults really love numbers. When you tell them that you have a new friend, they will never ask about the most important thing. They will never say: “What’s his voice like? What games does he like to play? Does he catch butterflies? They ask: “How old is he? How many brothers does he have? How much does he weigh? How much does his father earn? And after that they imagine that they recognize the person.”

“He didn’t answer any of my questions, but when you blush, it means yes, doesn’t it?”

“I didn’t understand anything then! It was necessary to judge not by words, but by deeds. She gave me her scent and illuminated my life. I shouldn't have run. Behind these pitiful tricks and tricks one had to guess the tenderness. The flowers are so inconsistent! But I was too young, I didn’t know how to love yet.”

“You will look at the sky at night, and there will be such a star there, where I live, where I laugh.”

“Adults never understand anything themselves, and for children it is very tiring to endlessly explain and explain everything to them.”

“I know one planet, there lives such a gentleman with a purple face. He had never smelled a flower in his entire life. I never looked at a star. He never loved anyone. And he never did anything. He is busy with only one thing: adding numbers. And from morning to night he repeats one thing: “I am a serious man! I am a serious man!” - just like you. And he's literally swelled with pride. But in reality he is not a person. He's a mushroom."

“You should never listen to what flowers say. You just have to look at them and breathe in their scent.”

“Everyone must be asked what he can give. Power, first of all, must be reasonable. If you command your people to throw themselves into the sea, they will start a revolution. I have the right to demand obedience, because my commands are reasonable.”

“If you find a diamond that has no owner, then it is yours. If you find an island that has no owner, it is yours. If you are the first to come up with an idea, you take out a patent on it: it is yours. I own the stars because no one before me thought of owning them.”

“For me, you are still just a little boy, just like a hundred thousand other boys. And I don't need you. And you don't need me either. For you I am only a fox, exactly the same as a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me, we will need each other. You will be the only one for me in the whole world. And I will be alone for you in the whole world...”

“It’s good where we are not.”

“Children should be very lenient towards adults.”

“people grow five thousand roses in one garden... and do not find what they are looking for...

“But what they are looking for can be found in a single rose, in a sip of water.”

“But the eyes are blind. You have to search with your heart.”

“At dawn the sand turns golden like honey.”

“Here is my secret, it is very simple: only the heart is vigilant. You can't see the most important thing with your eyes.

“On your planet,” said the Little Prince, “people grow five thousand roses in one garden... and do not find what they are looking for...

They don’t find it,” I agreed.

But what they are looking for can be found in a single rose, in a sip of water...

Yes, of course,” I agreed.

And the Little Prince said:

But the eyes are blind. You have to search with your heart.”

“People get on fast trains, but they themselves no longer understand what they are looking for,” said the Little Prince. “That’s why they don’t know peace and rush in one direction, then in the other...

“You are not at all like my rose. You are nothing yet. No one has tamed you, and you have not tamed anyone. This is how my Fox used to be. He was no different from a hundred thousand other foxes. But I became friends with him, and now he is the only one in the whole world.

Roses were very embarrassed.

“You are beautiful, but empty,” continued the Little Prince. - I won’t want to die for your sake. Of course, a random passerby, looking at my rose, will say that it is exactly the same as you. But she is dearer to me than all of you. After all, it was I who watered it every day. He covered her, not you, with a glass cover. He blocked it with a screen, protecting it from the wind. I killed caterpillars for her, leaving only two or three so that the butterflies hatched. I listened to how she complained and how she boasted, I listened to her when she fell silent. She is mine. »

“I would like to know why the stars shine. Probably so that sooner or later everyone can find theirs again. »

“How to call so that he can hear, how to catch up with his soul, which is eluding me... After all, it is so mysterious and unknown, this country of tears...”

“If you love a flower - the only one that is no longer on any of the many millions of stars, that’s enough: you look at the sky and feel happy. And you say to yourself: “My flower lives there somewhere...”

“Do you know why the desert is good? - he said. “Somewhere in it there are springs hidden...”

“Whether it’s a house, the stars or the desert, the most beautiful thing about them is what you can’t see with your eyes.”

“If I order my general to turn into a seagull,” he used to say, “and if the general does not carry out the order, it will not be his fault, but mine.”

“I must tolerate two or three caterpillars if I want to meet butterflies.”

“I will cry for you,” sighed the Fox.

It’s your own fault,” said the Little Prince. “I didn’t want you to get hurt, you yourself wanted me to tame you...”

“In my time, I have met a lot of different serious people. I lived among adults for a long time. I saw them very close. And, to be honest, this didn’t make me think any better about them.”

“If you keep going straight and straight, you won’t get far...”

“You know... when it gets really sad, it’s good to watch the sun go down...”

“You speak like adults! - he said.

I felt ashamed. »

“What are you doing? - asked the little prince.

“I drink,” the drunkard answered gloomily.

To forget.

What to forget? - asked the Little Prince; he felt sorry for the drunkard.

“I want to forget that I’m ashamed,” the drunkard admitted and hung his head.

Why are you ashamed? - asked the Little Prince, he really wanted to help the poor guy.

I'm ashamed to drink! - explained the drunkard, and it was impossible to get another word out of him.”

“Flowers have been growing thorns for millions of years. And for millions of years, lambs still eat flowers.”

“Baobabs are very small at first, until they grow.”

“When you tell adults: “I saw a beautiful house made of pink brick, there are geraniums in the windows and pigeons on the roof,” they cannot imagine this house. You have to tell them: “I saw a house for a hundred thousand francs,” and then they exclaim: “what a beauty!”

“Your rose is so dear to you because you gave it your whole soul.”

“People no longer have enough time to learn anything. They buy things ready-made in stores. But there are no shops where friends sell, and therefore people no longer have friends.”

“- Adults never understand anything themselves, and for children it is very tiring to endlessly explain and explain everything to them

- Here's a box for you. And inside it sits the kind of lamb you want.

He did not know that kings look at the world in a very simplified way: for them, all people are subjects.

“Then judge yourself,” said the king. - This is the most difficult thing. It is much more difficult to judge yourself than others. If you can judge yourself correctly, then you are truly wise.

“I would like to know why the stars glow,” he said thoughtfully. - Probably so that

sooner or later everyone could find theirs again.”

“You know... when it gets really sad, it’s good to watch the sun go down...”

“If you love a flower - the only one that is no longer on any of the many millions of stars, that’s enough: you look at the sky and feel happy. And you say to yourself: “My flower lives there somewhere...” But if the lamb eats it, it’s the same as if all the stars went out at once! »

“I didn’t understand anything then! It was necessary to judge not by words, but by deeds. She gave me her scent and illuminated my life. I shouldn't have run. Behind these pitiful tricks and tricks I should have guessed tenderness. The flowers are so inconsistent! But I was too young, I didn’t know how to love yet.”

“It is much more difficult to judge yourself than others. If you can judge yourself correctly, then you are truly wise.”
