Login for users. Composite runes Evaz in reverse position


Represents the Mouth of Creation. The rune of magicians, since it gives a person the opportunity to transmit information, i.e. conjure.

This is an energy rune, as you remember from previous issues, energy runes, when working with them, add energy, strength, and power to us.

By working with it, you can receive information from the subtle world, although at first not everyone will be able to understand it. But it doesn’t matter, as we move forward, everything will work out for you, and you will learn to easily read all the signs and apply them in practice.

Ansuz will help you in learning, in acquiring new knowledge, including hidden knowledge, and will provide a connection with the Divine Power.

But this rune must be used with caution, because... it is dedicated to the god Loki, who performs both good and evil deeds. Therefore, you should approach it only with pure thoughts and an open heart. (We agreed on this earlier). When turning to her, one must ask for mercy and admonition. It will help you accept and love yourself, and will also cause sensitivity and attentiveness towards other people. It will facilitate the process of cognition and activate consciousness.

SPELL: for liberation from addictions, pressure, other people's influence. And also from your inner temptations: the desire for power, the desire to please and the desire to manipulate other people.

I know the fourth

When I'm shackled and tied

By your enemies:

I'll tell him

And the shackles will fall from your feet,

The ropes will slip from your hands.

Ansuz acts as a link with the wisdom of ancestors and allows you to restore lost knowledge. Gives an understanding of what is beyond the obvious. Adds a new dimension to any situation and introduces an element of Luck, helps to see a completely new opportunity in the current reality.

Ansuz (ASS) is the great Rune of knowledge, inspiration and positive cooperation.

The rune is simply necessary for people taking exams and tests, going through all sorts of interviews and tests, and gaining a reputation as a business person. The God of Wisdom Odin is the direct curator of this rune, also behind it are the great Dwarf Quasir, and the wisest of the giants Mimir. The one who wears this rune as an amulet receives their admonition and guardianship. Study and creativity, especially literary, are the sphere of influence of this talisman. Its power is also worth resorting to for those people who have problems with communication, including communication with the opposite sex. Speakers who ask Runa Ansuz for patronage will easily win the attention of the audience, and poets will receive the necessary inspiration. Actors derive from it an ideal understanding of their roles.

Mouth and the Almighty are the brief quintessence of this rune.

The ability to think strategically, get pleasure and excellent results from mental work are obtained by those who resort to the patronage of Ansuz. Intuition develops amazingly, clairvoyance opens. A person wearing the Ansuz rune cannot be deceived. Of course, provided that he learns to trust his inner voice. It is very useful to have this talisman for those who find themselves in an unpleasant situation related to justice and are forced to defend themselves. His speech and arguments will win the trust of his listeners. Obviously, the ASS rune will be a wonderful gift for lawyers and judges. In addition, it is worth turning to her wisdom and those who are still looking for their own path, their highest goal in life. Many runologists have noticed that if you carry the Ansuz rune with you, funny and pleasant stories begin to happen in life, about which you can only say this: “Luck has come to you, man.”

Yes, the Ansuz rune is the rune of active LUCK!!!

ANSUZ or Knowledge

The night in the cave passed peacefully. To set out at sunrise, Orsana and Wulf woke up while the Earth was still shrouded in darkness. Before leaving the cave, Orsana asked:

Can we ask the runes for advice?

If it calms you down,” Wolf smiled.

The young man took out a rune, put it on his palm and showed it to the girl.

Do you know this rune? - he asked.

All I know is that it's called Anzus, — Orsana answered. If you can, tell me about this sign.

This is an amazing rune,” Wulf began his story.

It was born from the element of Water, which gives inspiration to artists and painters. She is patronized by Loki - the god of Good and Evil at the same time, two-faced and dexterous. But the entire clan of Ases also takes care of this rune. Old people say that Odin's song created it. Be that as it may, this rune comes from strong and powerful deities, and now it warns that today will require wisdom and dexterity from us.


In just two hours we will reach the lands that are being capturedthey were people from the West. We need to be very clever in order to get past this part of the path unnoticed.

Is there no other way? - Orsana asked with fear.

Yes, but, unfortunately, it will lengthen our journey bya few days. Then, when we find a place for our new village, and our entire tribe follows us north, then we will choose a bypass road. But now we have little time, and we will have to go straight, although it is dangerous.

“I’m afraid,” the girl whispered.

Calm down, the rune will help us Anzus and the knowledge of how to take refuge in the forest, how to use the protection of Mother Nature and the ancient Song of our tribe.

I don't understand.

You will see and hear.

They walked in silence for the next two hours. Finally, Wulf made a sign with his hand that it was time to stop. The travelers took cover behind a large oak tree on a hill and began to observe the village located in a small valley. From their hiding place, its inhabitants were clearly visible.

“This is the most dangerous place, if you can get around it, it will be easier further,” said Wulf.

But how to do that? Maybe it's better to wait until night?

It will be even worse at night, people from the West have strong night stressWell, we need to do this now. We use the Anzus rune hint. Remember, no matter what happens, you must remain silent and follow me.

Wulf sat down under a large oak tree, took a pipe from his pocket and began to play. At first the sound was quiet, then it began to increase and became louder and louder.

Orsana was amazed. She closed her eyes out of fear, as she was sure that in a minute they would be captured by the soldiers. Suddenly, she felt a touch on herself, opened her eyes and saw Wulf, who put a finger to his lips and pointed to the village with his other hand.

Imagine her surprise when Orsana saw that everyone was aliveThe villagers fell into a deep sleep. Even dogs and other pets fell asleep. Wulf moved forward, urging the girl with gestures.

They walked calmly through the village. No one even raised their heads. The silence was broken only by the singing of birds. The travelers quickly moved away from the dangerous place. Only a few hours later, the girl dared to ask in a whisper:

Will we be in dangerous territory for a long time?

We've already passed it a long time ago. Now we can finally rest.

Tell me how did you do it?

This is knowledge, Orsana, knowledge of the rune Anzus.


ansus, ansuz, os, oss, as


as - the highest deity, the genus of gods - aces, mouth (mouth)


Treats throat diseases, stuttering, oral ailments. Improves the condition of the sensory organs, useful in eliminating migraines.

Rune potential:

Creative and mental manifestation of the Spirit.

Basic properties:

Creative thought, artistic inspiration, cognitive abilities, practical application of knowledge, social relations.

Message of the rune:

Learn to connect with nature to broaden your horizons.

Predictive value:

Science, learning, obtaining information. Successfully passing the exam, reason. The gift of speech, public speaking, conversation. Negotiations, conclusion of agreements and contracts. Social activity, creativity, artistic talent, gift.

Magical uses:

Helps to understand what is beyond the obvious; helps to make contact and receive support from the inner self. Facilitates passing exams, concluding agreements and contracts. Activates magical energy, favors the acquisition and wise use of knowledge.

Rune Anzus can help you:

— find inspiration and new ideas;

- reveal hidden creativity and new talents;

— strengthen intellectual potential;

- eliminate timidity and shyness;

- strengthen personal and friendly relationships;

- remove obstacles that impede the correct use of the energy of the body and mind.

The Anzus rune should be meditated, when it is desirable to obtain answers to the following questions:

- What is knowledge for me?

— how do I feel about learning?

- Am I a creative person?

— what do my contacts with people look like?

- How fully do I use my abilities?

- What does the word “truth” mean to me?

— how do I expand my horizons?

Here are some examples of compound runes. They can be applied to a talisman or drawn somewhere and sometimes look at the runes, turning to them with your request. But always be careful, because you will activate forces that may demand payment from you for the “service”. Do not put runes that are opposite in effect into the talisman.

(My opinion is that these signs are closer to us than the Chinese characters with which many cars are painted. We have our own Slavic culture, and no worse than the Chinese one. I think that 99 percent do not understand what is contained in the hieroglyph, the main thing is that it is beautiful. Some monkeys also like beautiful things, but we are humans, so let's not forget about our roots. Otherwise, we will soon live on a reservation on Novaya Zemlya, and Moscow will be called Moskaltown (Madey in rank.). As long as the roots are nourished, the tree grows. No roots - no tree. And the Chinese tree has Chinese roots and strong roots, because the people feed them. We need to take an example from them, and not go like a zombie to their culture. Everyone should have their own tradition.)

"Removing obstacles and winning." Runes activity, protection And will.

"Winning a woman's heart." Runes women, will or fire And ways, changes.

"Successful passing of exams." Rune gift, partnership.
Prosperity." Runes protection And fertility.
"Healing, increasing vitality." Runes change, fertility And progress.
"Luck". Runes gift And messages, good luck.
"Longevity". A magical compound rune that ensures well-being, health and longevity. Consists of Dagaz and Inguz. Runes day And fertility.
"Love rune (for men)." Runes fertility And fire or will.
"Love rune (for a woman)." Runes messages And fire or will.
"Inevitable success (in lawful matters)." Runes ways And formation, energy.
"Power of mind (strength of spirit)." Runes person And messages.
The magical formula AUJA in this runic amulet attracts happiness and good luck to its owner. Runic script consisting of four runes of the formula - Ansuz, Uruz, Yaro and Ansuz.
This is not a love spell in its pure form, but it contributes to the emergence of feelings on a more subtle, emotional level, without gross energy bindings. The working combination of runes is Teyvaz and Soulu on one stem.
LAUKAZ - the formula translates as “wild onion” (which was revered as a sacred plant and was considered to have great magical power, mainly of a protective, protective nature). Therefore, the talisman has a similar direction of action. Runic script consisting of runes of the formula - Laguz, Ansuz, Uruz, Kano, Ansuz and Algiz.
This protective spell generates raw, dense energies ideal for creating a passive protective barrier. Lasts until the energy caused by the spell is neutralized by the energy of the attacker. This energy barrier is the most primitive, but quite reliable. The working combination of runes is Thurisaz, Teyvaz, Thurisaz.
The spell allows you to quickly change the level of energy fluctuations and “move away” from the attack that has begun. Effective when attempting to steal energy or information through a gap in permanent protection. The working combination of runes is Perth, Hagalaz, Perth in a mirror image.
A protective spell operating on the opposite principle completely identifies the subject’s energy with the energy of the induced astral strike, thereby ensuring the absorption of the strike energy without harm to the victim. The working combination of runes is the straight and inverted Teyvaz rune.
This is also a protective spell that operates on the principle of a mirror - any impact is received completely and sent back unchanged. The working combination of runes is Isa, Kano, Hagalaz, Kano, Isa.
A protective spell that acts in case of real danger in the physical world - armed conflict and the like. The Teyvaz rune is applied to the front and back of the amulet.
The spell on the amulet softens the energy fluctuations of a large number of people present, making it possible to prevent or extinguish conflict. Indispensable in negotiations and other critical situations. It works very quickly. The working combination of runes is Nautiz, Teyvaz, Nautiz (the Teyvaz rune is inverted).
A knitted love rune containing a love spell. Ensures victory and achievement of the desired goal on the love (and in particular sexual) front. Consists of Teyvaz, Uruz and Gebo.
This formula is intended to help Eril in his research. The working combination of runes is Evaz and Ansuz.
An amulet containing this spell helps in achieving the goal and ensures victory. The working combination of runes is Teyvaz, Soulu, Uruz.
It does everything the same as the previous one, only more efficiently if there is an element of competition. The working combination of runes is Teyvaz, Soulu, Odal.
GUD - an ancient spell designed to preserve the owner’s masculine strength and bring him success and prosperity on the love front. The working combination of runes is Gebo, Uruz, Dagaz.
LAPU - “invitation”, “invocation”. Probably one of the sacred words that were part of the invoking curses. Often used in combination with other sacred words or runic spells. The working combination of runes is Laguz, Ansuz, Perth, Uruz.
ALU - “dedication, magical power and strength, wisdom.” The formula can play the role of a protective spell or enhance other formulas. The working combination of runes is Ansuz, Laguz, Uruz.
SAR - “journey in search of strength”. The working combination of runes is Soulu, Ansuz, Raido.
Name monogram. In this version it is Olga (OLGA). The monogram consists of the runes Odal, Laguz, Gebo and Ansuz.
SLALU is an option supplemented with the rune of power and victory. The working combination of runes is Soulu, Laguz, Ansuz, Laguz, Uruz.

1. Teyvaz (tiwaz)

The meaning of the Tiwaz rune in the first position is polygon. The rune indicates activity and rivalry that permeate the circumstances at the time of the forecast. The presence of vitality and will in you is now a good sign for starting anything. Being the Great Rune of Victory, it personifies the strength of character and your own capabilities, thanks to which an increase in power is now possible. If the third rune is Urus or Perthro, it indicates an outburst of passion, new romantic opportunities. In the forecast, it sometimes denotes a man or a person with whom you have always dreamed of being.

Teyvaz in reverse position

The meaning of the inverted Tivaz rune in the first position - the rune indicates passivity, lack of initiative in this matter. Warns of possible defeat, an initially losing cause. This is a sign of a lack of great activity and aggression, a time of waiting or truce. Now is a good time to relax and immerse yourself within yourself. Possible problems are most likely caused by a lack of understanding that everything good in your life does not grow without your participation.

2. Evaz (ehwaz)

In the second position - synchronicity (the principle of synchronicity was formulated by C. G. Jung and looks like this - “everything that happens and is happening at the moment corresponds to the quality of this moment”). Let go of your intention, and it will take you where you need to go. Use your charm and healthy egoism. Being a rune of magic, it recommends doing now what is currently happening on its own or is happening very easily. Enjoy the process of resonance with the forces of movement, harmony and luck. When it comes to spiritual development, the rune recommends taking a journey of the mind, often practiced by shamans of all cultures. You will find answers to your questions by applying the synchronicity method. Sometimes he warns that you shouldn’t take on too much.

Evaz in reverse position

In the second position - taking responsibility for your actions. You are required to have initiative, a new approach, and hard work. Sometimes it indicates that it’s time to leave the rut on which you have been traveling for so long, to get out of someone’s protection or influence. “If the mountain does not suit Mohammed, then glory be to Allah.” But remember, only those who know the true path can take a detour.

3. Laguz

In the third position is a way out of the crisis. Heralds the onset of a calm period in life, sympathy and mutual understanding. Indicates that lost things will be found, and all those responsible will be brought to light. Sometimes it foreshadows the visit of a young energetic person. The forecast represents a journey on water, vivid prophetic dreams. In some cases, they represent a strong and significant woman for a man.

Laguz in reverse position

In the third position - failure, “where did your path lead me.” It is an indicator of the complication of circumstances or relationships. In combination with any runes of the alignment, this is not a very good sign.

Sometimes it happens that we have to activate all the mental abilities of our brain or we need to improve our memory. Of course, taking “vitamins” is also an option. However, there are other ways to do this. Mudras for improving memory and increasing intelligence have proven to be an excellent remedy, no worse than taking medications. It is recommended to start performing all mudras for a time of five minutes. Gradually you need to increase the time to half an hour. Let's share some of them with you.

  • The first of these is the mudra of knowledge. It improves memory, attention and nervous system. It is an excellent prevention of headaches, insomnia, depression and apathy. By the way, it also restores cerebral circulation. Helps a person in spiritual growth. Relieves emotional stress and relieves anxiety. Dispels anxiety, sadness and melancholy. Activates thought processes and concentrates attention. Enables a person to realize his intellectual abilities. How to do it? Everything is very simple.

We take and connect the thumb and index fingers. The rest are vertical. The brush should be relaxed. The pads of the connected fingers press slightly on each other. Fix for half an hour. For the best effect and to get answers to questions, recite the mantra “OM MANI PADME HUM” (you can mentally or out loud). Naturally, you should be relaxed. Place your hands on your feet.

Another well-known mudra of this type is the Hakini mudra. This is the name of a goddess who has six arms and faces. She is personified with the five lower chakras.

  • If this mudra is practiced regularly, its beneficial effect on memory begins to appear, concentration increases, memory and brain function improve. What should be done? Just connect the pads of all the fingers of both hands. Don't bend your fingers, they should be straight. If you compare the sensations. It's like having an invisible ball between your fingers.

    Yogis advise doing this mudra even when you have forgotten something. You just need to add proper breathing and a few movements. To remember, do this. When the pads of your fingers are closed, take a deep breath and you need to raise your eyes up and touch the sky with your tongue. As you exhale, return to the starting position. This will help you remember the information you need, as well as improve the functioning of both hemispheres of your brain.

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