Aspects of the sun in the natal chart. Lucky or Unlucky Planets in Angular Houses

The Sun, the king of the planets, fire, soul and ego on one side, and the Moon, the queen, water, mind and emotions on the other. What does the Sun Moon conjunction mean in the natal chart? Let's take a look, but first it is worth emphasizing that this connection is friendly, not conflicting, the Sun is quite friendly to the Moon, although they represent different elements.

What does the Sun Moon conjunction mean in different signs?

Sun + Moon in Aries

In this sign, the Sun is in exaltation (its strongest position), but Aries is not very good for the Moon, it is weakened here. Therefore, on the one hand, a strong Sun gives courage, responsibility, generosity, and the Moon “spoils the picture” a little with suspiciousness and doubts before important matters. These are people who find it difficult to relax; they feel the burden of work and responsibility, of their own achievements. They often don't care about other people's emotions and problems. In the case of such a combination, the Moon needs harmonization, it is recommended to use lunar upayas. How to harmonize the Moon,

Sun Moon conjunction in Taurus

The Moon is a sign of exaltation, so it is strong here, but the Sun is not comfortable, although it has a beneficial effect on the sign itself. However, this combination in Taurus is not considered very good. It brings pride to a person, a desire to lead, instills anxiety in life, and a craving for luxury. Such people are courageous, but to their advantage, very practical, and often have a rich imagination.

Sun + Moon in Gemini

An atmosphere of peace reigns between the King and Queen in this sign! They are both comfortable here, although the element of Air of this sign slightly dries out the lunar element of Water. Therefore, the Moon is slightly weakened and introduces changeable moods and forgetfulness into a person’s character. Such people always have a lot of ideas, thoughts, plans in their heads, they are optimistic, friendly, quick to make decisions, but a little irresponsible.

Sun Moon Conjunction in Cancer

The Moon’s own sign gives her strength, but solar Fire here is targeted by the water element of Cancer. Therefore, the Sun is weakened and cannot give all its beneficial qualities. Such people are caring, very receptive, fair, with a developed sense of duty, which is why they are restless in life, they are peacemakers, they know how to inspire people, although they themselves are subject to stronger, foreign influence.

Sun + Moon in Leo

The Sun is here in full strength and comfort, but the Moon is suffering. Therefore, such a person is impulsive and jealous. The sun makes him very noticeable, but also arrogant; it is important for him to be liked. He is responsible to such an extent that he himself checks all stages of the work, he is generous, but at times, according to his mood. In general, the behavior of such people very much depends on what mood they are in today.

Sun + Moon in Virgo

For an earth sign this combination is very good, but for the planets themselves the position is average. Therefore, a person with such a combination in the chart will have a desire to lead in everything, he is jealous, knows how to manipulate, emotions are restrained, he simply does not know how to express them. It is advisable to learn not to accumulate negativity within yourself, and to be more loyal to others.

Sun Moon Conjunction in Libra

Here the Sun is in decline, and the Moon does not feel comfortable, so the combination is difficult. Often gives a “victim” position in character or a tendency towards solitude, closedness in thoughts and feelings. There is a desire for self-affirmation, but in life it results in manipulation of others, a restless mind, excessive emotionality and a rich imagination. Also, such a connection indicates developed intuition.

Sun + Moon in Scorpio

But here the Moon will be in its fall, but it is still quite strong, since the water element of the sign supports the lunar element. But this Water weakens the Sun and gives a person’s character difficulties with responsibility, difficulties in making decisions, hesitations, doubts. Such people are subject to the influence of others, they are very emotional and restless. For harmony, it is important for them to maintain good relationships with both parents.

Sun + Moon in Sagittarius

Indicates a fair, but somewhat authoritarian person; he is independent, tense, and has his own opinion on all issues. Often suffers from suspicion.

Sun + Moon in Capricorn

Not the best and not at all a friendly position, which introduces great ambitions and insensitivity to the thoughts and feelings of others into a person's character. These are ambitious people who are primarily concerned with their business and personal gain.

Sun + Moon in Aquarius

This situation makes a person courageous and responsible, he is generous and noble, but he quickly gets carried away by new ideas and does not follow through with everything. He has a wild imagination and developed imagination, as well as unstable emotionality.

Sun Moon conjunction in Pisces

A good, blissful position that gives a person optimism, forcing him to seek a spiritual path, follow duty, and understand his nature. These are peace-loving, slightly emotional people who are always generous and generous.

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The Sun is associated with the masculine principle and therefore the character of this planet will be strongly expressed in the body and behavior of men and to a lesser extent in women. The sun gives men the beauty of their character, good social position, the ability to bring qualities such as righteousness, prosperity, and fulfillment of duties to the family. The sun is mainly responsible for human activities in society, for the fulfillment of his social duty.

The sun is strong, good quality
A person in his behavior will show the following qualities: responsibility, seriousness, respect for people around him, nobility, generosity, generosity, cheerfulness, optimism, positivism of thinking, greatness, energy, the ability to be a leader.
In life, he is characterized by the following features: he has the ability to control his behavior and situation, as well as the behavior of other people, is in the favor of the government, has honor, a high position in society and numerous opportunities for promotion.
Occupation: government service, rulers, arbitration, officials, judges, heads of enterprises and educational institutions.
Men with such a Sun in the horoscope become good, responsible husbands, always keep their promises, keep their word, behave very seriously, decisively, firmly, cheerfully, and optimistically. They often joke and feel joy from performing their duties.

Women with a strong Sun in the horoscope are modest and shy in behavior, are able to obey and unquestioningly carry out the will of their husband, are always faithful, are interested in the affairs of their husband and help him in everything. They are proud of their husband and treat him with respect. Such women usually have good fathers, husbands and sons.
A person with a similar influence of the Sun has a good appetite and at the same time is unpretentious in food. He is in good health and has a resilient body. He has a strong immune system.
Outwardly, he looks something like this: a large, round face, a wide and high forehead, a large build, medium height, an angular, wide figure, dark skin color, dark strong hair, a strong skeletal system, brown eyes. In men, the right eye is larger than the left and has a beautiful outline. Such a person has a penetrating and happy look.

The sun is weak, good quality
A person with such a Sun in the horoscope shows positivist thinking, does not set too high goals for himself, but is steadily moving towards what he has set for himself. He tries to act under someone else's leadership, to behave discreetly, politely, and leisurely.
In life, he wants his work to be not too responsible, calm. He's with people
builds neutral relationships, he is not inclined to command and make excessive efforts to achieve his goals. His behavior is cautious and leisurely.
Such people are good assistants in management, obedient employees.

Men in this category behave in a low-key manner, but are able to perform the duties assigned to them. They recognize authorities and try to follow them. They respect their relatives and try to follow their instructions.
Women in this category try to behave obediently, although they do not always succeed, especially if their husband behaves incorrectly. They are humble and try to fulfill their responsibilities. Usually they do not get a particularly outstanding personality as a husband, but with their behavior they are able to help their husband progress.
The appetite of a person under such influence of the Sun is usually not large. Such people are very selective in food. They don't have much health. However, at the same time they do not look sick. They tend to have low acidity, decreased liver activity, low blood pressure, and may develop anemia and decreased blood clotting. They tend to suffer from infectious diseases, which, however, do not bother them much.
Outwardly, they look something like this: small round face, blond hair, average height, weak but harmonious physique, narrow figure, thin hair, weak skeletal system. The eyes are light, the look is superficial, kind. The eyes are small; in men, the right eye is smaller and more beautiful than the left (or eyes of the same size).

The sun is strong, of poor quality
A person with such influence of the Sun has strong enthusiasm for achieving material success, pride, ambition, arrogance, arrogance, desire for power, desire to lead, restlessness, disrespectful attitude towards others, arrogance.
In life, he fanatically desires promotion, enters into confrontation with subordinates and superiors, he has to achieve everything with effort; Often the situation and people are out of his control, which brings him overexertion and causes difficulties.

Occupation: business leaders (often without respect from their subordinates), officials who behave outside the law, as well as all those who strongly strive for power.
Men in this category behave ambitiously, are prone to categorical thinking and premature conclusions. They constantly demand increased attention to themselves and behave excessively strictly and harshly. They like to promise a lot, but usually do not keep their promises. They enjoy a lavish, lavish life.
Women in this category have an arrogant, unapproachable appearance. They have very big demands. For this reason, they usually find it difficult to get married. They are proud of themselves, strive for independence, never trust other people’s opinions and, having difficulty getting married, then sincerely consider their husband “not the best option.”
A person with this influence of the Sun has an excessively strong appetite and strong digestion. He loves food that is oversaturated with different tastes. His health is quite precarious. It is possible that he suffers from diseases such as increased stomach acidity, increased bile secretion in the liver, duodenal ulcer, increased sweating, high blood pressure, inflammatory eye diseases, and an enlarged heart. He may also have blood diseases such as increased clotting and excessive thickening.
Outwardly, such a person looks something like this: a large, round face of a reddish hue, a wide forehead with pronounced folds, a large build, a tendency to be overweight, average height, wide figure, reddish-brown skin color, dark thin hair, possible baldness, strong skeletal system , eyes are brown with a reddish tint. The right eye is larger than the left and has a commanding, demanding outline. The look is penetrating and caustic.

The sun is weak, poor quality
A person with such a Sun in the horoscope exhibits negativism, baseness of thinking, baseness of goals and outlook on life, disobedience to elders, irresponsibility, ambition, spinelessness, extravagance, selfishness, pessimism, passivity.
In life, he tries to shirk any work, behaves irresponsibly, not hiding his weaknesses from those around him. He makes unexpected, chaotic decisions, seeks protection from others without justifying their trust, works with laziness and a negative attitude. He has unpredictable behavior.
Such people are often unemployed or constantly change their professions and places of work, and are slackers of all stripes.
Men in this category try to wriggle out of their responsibilities, have no self-esteem, are prone to alcohol, and behave petty and weak-willed.
Women in this category are not able to obey and obey anyone, they feel defenseless, do not believe in their happiness, see only the bad in everything and are not able to enjoy life.
Such a person has weak, sick digestion and poor appetite, he has weak immunity, a tendency to chronic and colds, as well as diseases of the blood, bones, eyes, and stomach. He periodically loses his temper and is needlessly nervous.
Outwardly, such a person has incorrect posture, thin blond hair, a weak, diseased skeletal system, an unprepossessing face, a fragile physique, light dry skin, small eyes, an indirect, fearful gaze.
We should not forget that we are talking here about character traits that can be inherent in a person theoretically - due to the influence of only one planet. It is possible that other planets will have a more positive influence, and therefore the negative influence of the Sun will not be expressed so strongly.

And vice versa, if the Sun is in a good position, and other planets are in detrimental positions, then the positive influence of the Sun will appear weaker in the horoscope or even disappear completely.

The main thing is to understand that all of the listed characteristics of our body depend mainly on the activity of the Sun. Other planets will influence other characteristics.
Seeing the manifestation of any of the listed character traits, we compare how many positive aspects a person has (associated with the influence of the Sun) and how many negative ones. So, based on the listed characteristics of these four types of influence of the Sun on our lives, we can to some extent judge the quality and strength of its influence.
A person’s life is the most indisputable criterion of how a particular planet influences him. Of course, this understanding will be incomplete and preliminary, but, undoubtedly, it will help in choosing a loved one, understanding yourself and your loved ones.

For women, a strong Sun gives the following: a good husband, a good father, a good leader, a good position in society, good health and digestion, cheerfulness, optimism, impeccable obedience, steadfastness in vows, strong character.
In other words, in women the Sun is more manifested in their character, behavior and social status. It is, of course, also expressed in the structure of their body, but differently than in men. Thus, a strong Sun in the horoscope gives a woman stateliness, sprightliness, cheerful, fiery, soulful eyes, a ruddy complexion, wide hips, straight posture, importance in gait and inaccessibility in behavior.

To find out the position and quality of your Sun, please contact us for an individual consultation.

The Sun in astrology is responsible for will, integrity, self-knowledge. The Sun rules the zodiac sign Leo and the fifth house of the horoscope.

The sun represents the center of personality and characterizes the potential given from birth. The sun is the center of the solar system and the source of life on Earth. It corresponds to the divine spark in your soul - the vital principle that encourages you to seek ever new ways of self-expression.

If you are willing to follow what the solar energy represents in your natal chart, then you will find a sense of your own integrity. It is associated with the figure of the Hero, symbolizing the ability to bravely face trials. It is also associated with the archetype of the "inner king", which symbolizes the masculine principle. It also means the ability to ignite your inner radiance and find your place in life.

Properties of the Sun in astrology

The sun is the center of our existence and reflects the part that wants to shine and express the true essence. It represents a feeling of uniqueness, worth and self-confidence. This is the central part of the personality, which is constantly evolving, symbolizing the task of life and self-discovery.

Solar energy is the driving force of life; without light and heat there would be nothing alive on Earth, nothing would grow or develop. Personifying vitality, filling life with meaning and meaningfulness, it teaches you to control your will and motivates all conscious intentions, encourages you to express the creative impulses inherent in everyone.

In astrology, the Sun is associated with the active, creative principle and is represented as a masculine energy that both men and women possess. From an astrological point of view, the masculine and feminine principles are related in the quality of energy, which can be either dynamic (active) or receptive (passive). From an astrological perspective, it represents the Father archetype - the perception of paternal or predominant masculine influence in childhood and its impact on subsequent relationships with and expression of one's masculine energy. In addition, it symbolizes the experiences associated with the one who played the role of the father.

Traditionally, men express more solar energy than women because they are more focused on finding their individuality, while women often focus their energy on caring for others. Although in a woman's natal chart the Sun represents the qualities she seeks in a man, gender roles have shifted and today a woman has the right to experiment with her solar energy as she sees fit. If for some reason a woman gives up an active life position, she will inevitably project solar energy onto her life partner.

Symbolism of the Sun

The location of the Sun in your natal chart shows who you can become as you develop, what your creative potential is and the optimal way to express yourself. Because humans are constantly evolving, solar potential is felt more strongly early in life.

It exerts an important influence - an active, dynamic force that manifests itself throughout life. This side of the personality is in the process of constant development, movement towards the dreams and goals of the future. The Mythical Hero is associated with the Sun because he is always on the path to new achievements. The hero subjects himself to tests to prove his strength and worth, especially in the fight against the forces of Darkness. This ideal to follow is still alive in the soul, it manifests itself in the feeling that you are not living in vain, which arises when you manage to overcome some obstacles. Realization of possibilities is the task of a lifetime, and only then can one realize one’s solar potential when individuality is acquired.

The sun symbolizes the active masculine principle, the archetype of the “inner king” is a part of the personality on which fate largely depends. Astrologers and alchemists of antiquity also considered it to be masculine. To turn metal into gold (an allegory symbolizing the unity of all facets of the soul in a glimpse of consciousness), the king had to enter into a sacred marriage with the queen. The emergence of personality - a symbol of absolute unity - depends on this combination of masculine and feminine qualities.

Becoming yourself is more of an ideal than a reality. When you are in constant contact with yourself, you are able to believe that you are walking the right path. But without knowing yourself, you cannot generalize from your experience, and naturally you will fail. Often it seems to you that others are taking over you, and your sense of self disappears. But if you live in harmony with yourself, then everything you do is right, you are full of energy and feel the need to live a more creative life.

The sun is an indicator of the soul in the horoscope, the highest masculine nature, royalty, power, prosperity and ambition. It is the Sun that gives a person the best masculine qualities, such as nobility, responsibility, honesty, determination, leadership, fortitude, courage and self-confidence. How the energy of the Sun affects a person depending on his location in the natal chart, as well as how to improve this influence, we look further in this article.

Strong Sun

The place of exaltation, that is, the maximum strength of the Sun in Vedic astrology jyotish is the Martian sign Aries, and the Sun is also strong in its own sign - Leo. Since the Sun is the king among the planets, it endows a person with royal qualities and the same destiny. A person with a strong Sun in the horoscope is endowed with extraordinary fortitude, determination, leadership talents and resilience. “Sunny” people are always full of enthusiasm, optimism and energy, they seem to shine for others, inspiring them to exploits, but sometimes they can show a fair amount of pride and rigidity. Most often, such people occupy leadership positions and have good relationships with authority figures.

Beneficial Sun

The Sun is benefic when it rules good houses and is in conjunction with benefic planets. In this case, it will give a person all his positive qualities, for example, such as nobility, responsibility, honesty and leadership qualities without their negative component (which is very rare these days). If the Sun is beneficial, but weak it gives its owner modesty, receptivity and a desire for goodness. Such people usually strive for service and self-sacrifice, but they lack self-confidence and are easily influenced by others.

Weak Sun

The place where the Sun falls is the Venusian sign Libra, it also does not feel well in the houses of enemies (Venus and Saturn). People with a weak Sun usually lack confidence and courage, and due to their innate melancholicity and passivity, they are not inclined to take on leadership roles. If the Sun is very weak, it can make a person overly dependent on others, irresponsible and clueless, and also creates a slave mentality.

Struck Sun

The sun is considered afflicted if it rules bad houses, stands in them or is associated with malefics. If it is also strong, then it endows its owner with its negative qualities. For example, such as arrogance, pride, egocentrism, despotism, greed, excessive ambition, craving for power, willingness to walk over corpses for the sake of one’s own interests, as well as some negative Martian qualities. For example, such as aggressiveness, hot temper, the desire to solve everything by force, etc.

If an afflicted or weak Sun in the horoscope affects health, it can cause diseases of the cardiovascular system, eyes, teeth, bones, headaches, neuralgia, high blood pressure, baldness, epilepsy and lack of vitality. And also such a Sun can give its owner any diseases that are accompanied by high temperature and inflammatory processes.

Propitiation of the Sun

1. Qualities that strengthen and harmonize the Sun:

· Responsibility.

· Honesty.

· Nobility.

· Leadership qualities, caring for others.

· Work in joy and for the benefit of others, fulfillment of duty.

· Cheerfulness and optimism.

· Respect for the father and men in general.

· For men – the development of masculine qualities, for women – the ability to respect masculine energy in the outside world and in oneself.

2. Actions that enhance the Sun, will be especially effective if done on Sundays, since on this day the energy of the Sun is especially strong. So:

· Visit to the temple.

· Give gold to your father.

· Wish everyone happiness.

· Smile.

· Early rise (before sunrise).

· Surya Namaskar in the morning.

· Sleep with your head facing East.

· Reading Ramayana.

3. Clothing that enhances the Sun:

· Rough and thick.

· Colors: dark red, copper red and crimson, as well as all the brightest shades of warm tones.

4. Food that enhances the Sun:

· Rare and expensive products.

· Fruits of large and strong trees.

· Oranges, almonds, pine nuts.

· Spices and herbs: chamomile, lavender, rosemary, saffron, pepper, nutmeg, cardamom and ajwain.

· All types of grains.

5. Day of the Sun: Sunday is an ideal time for spiritual practices, making plans for the future and communicating with authority figures. This day is not favorable for marriage, conceiving children and business.

6. Mantras of the Sun:

· Aum Hrim Hrim Suryaya Namaha!

· Om Gravi Suryaya Namaha!

· Om Ramaya Namaha!

7. Sun Stones usually red and “fiery”:

· Spinel.

· Pomegranate.

· Sun stone.

· Red zircon.

· Red tourmaline.

· Copper and gold.

A Vedic astrologer will help you understand this topic more deeply and thoroughly. I wish you happiness and a good relationship with the Sun!

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The Sun in the first house of the horoscope emphasizes self-esteem, enhances self-confidence, creates favorable conditions for successful advancement up the social ladder, ensures the goodwill of superiors and the favor of society. Here the Sun gives great vitality, vitality, intellectual and spiritual abilities, and guarantees long life. Naturally, this is with the strong cosmic status of the Sun and the absence of negative aspects to it from malefic planets. A strong, intact Sun in the first field endows the individual with nobility, generosity, gives him great optimism, a sense of justice, contempt for foul language and meanness, and a tendency towards social activity. People with this position of the Sun usually have many original and extraordinary friends and acquaintances, including those from the highest strata of society. They are the happiest in their family. Siblings usually die before them.With a good aspect of the Sun with Jupiter, the dominant of birth or with the dominant of the II field of the horoscope - popularity, fame, wealth. If the Sun is damaged - weak vitality, mistakes and delusions in young years, often lack of purpose in life. The opposition between the Sun and planets from the VII field are open but strong enemies. In women, the opposition between the Sun and Saturn indicates danger to life during childbirth.

Self-expression. The position of the Sun in the first house indicates that your life purpose is centered on the theme of spontaneous self-expression. Everything else is secondary compared to revealing yourself. You are not necessarily selfish, although such a trap exists, but you are a self-creating and self-motivating person. What you express is important, of course, because it determines the response you receive from other people and from the environment. But still, the only decisive factor is the expression itself. Contain or block expression and you disconnect yourself from the source of life energy. The task is to radiate yourself outward, allowing yourself to flow, to manifest through behavior. Fill your spirit with vibrant life.

Natural personality. Usually the 1st house masks the external entity. However, in your life we ​​see that your essence is projected directly through the spontaneous outer personality. When the ascendant and the Sun are in the same sign, then the attitude to life is naive, shaped by the properties of a given zodiac sign. However, much depends on where the planets Mercury and Venus supporting the Sun are located: in the 12th, 1st or 2nd house. When the rising and sun signs are different, the personality still retains a what-you-see-is-what-you-get tone, but it is now much more difficult to express oneself. However, any conflicts are open to everyone's eyes. The trap is to assume that other people are just like you and can be understood directly through their actions. But this is not true - most people are different from us. The task is to be yourself.Your name tag says, “I am exactly as you see me, perceive me,” and you believe it, even though it may not ultimately be true.

Self-awareness. You constantly "generate" self-awareness through activity, but when this activity stops, then your self-awareness gradually begins to wither. The sign in which the Sun is located determines the type of “activity”. For fire signs like Aries or Sagittarius, this type is literal physical movement - you have to do something. For water signs, such as Cancer or Pisces, activity can mean simply radiating emotions - expressing feelings. The challenge is to awaken the awareness that you exist as a separate person. You live here and now and reveal yourself, more and more and more...

Boundaries. What is commonly understood as a means to an end is for you an end in itself. The sun symbolizes the inner being and we usually create a bridge to connect to the outer world. For you, the bridge and this entity are one and the same. The "lens" and this entity looking through it are identical. Any self-expression that does not correspond to your deepest self damages the lens, making real interaction impossible, and the purely egoic surge blurs the distinction between the inner world of the self and the outer environment, causing social blindness, defective perceptions and the repeated experience of rejection. The challenge is to express yourself fully, but recognizing that other people have the same rights to express themselves.

Vitality. The condition of the Sun, determined by sign and aspects, is decisive for understanding your health, but overall you are vital and strong, able to recover from encounters with destructive influences, both psychologically and medically. You rush and life encourages you to “achieve rebirth”; you are willing to overcome all obstacles, including personal vulnerability to disease. Your strength is not “conscious”, but rather reflects a fundamental desire for survival in the deepest sense of the word.


With a strong cosmic status of the Sun and the absence of negative aspects - good, stable financial affairs, prosperity, even wealth. Money is easy to earn, but also easy to spend. Benefits come from patronage, patronage, guardianship, business and commercial activities on a large scale.In this field of the horoscope, the Sun creates life practitioners, realists, pragmatists, disposed towards material wealth, comfort, coziness, even luxury, who love earthly pleasures. To be successful, they need solid ground under their feet, a sense of security, a harmonious microclimate and, of course, decent wages. Good character traits include perseverance, perseverance, perseverance, patience, focus, and efficiency. They are self-confident and have remarkable penetration power. They are great conservatives, but, nevertheless, are able to perceive progressive ideas, however, only to the extent required by the surrounding world and social traditions. They have a highly developed sense of duty and responsibility; as workers they are honest, conscientious, neat and decent. They act based on logic and intelligence, are very decisive and solid as a rock, rely only on themselves, on their own strengths and realistically assess their capabilities. Physically they are strong, and mentally they are stable and unshakable. They are distinguished by excellent self-discipline, self-control and self-control. In business they are very constructive, methodical, prudent and careful; when necessary, they can concentrate on one thing. They never raise their voices at their subordinates, and avoid disputes and quarrels, conflicts and confrontations. They are loyal to friends and devoted to like-minded people.

When damaged, traits such as self-will, willfulness, and stubbornness may appear; various whims, quirks, and whims may appear; hysteria and bouts of laziness are not excluded. Uncertainty about the future, little initiative and entrepreneurship, missed opportunities. They are often tormented by unbridled animal instincts.

Self-esteem. The placement of the Sun in the 2nd house indicates that a person's essential life purpose is centered on the theme of self-judgment. Psychological self-esteem determines the direction and fulfillment of your life as a whole. Everything in your life will ultimately come back to self-esteem, and any experience can be assessed directly by your personal sense of its significance - by you, for you, through you. If you don’t believe in yourself, then in a hurry you will end up nowhere. So first accept yourself as you are, without worrying about what is happening, and then try to make that acceptance manifest through you.

Possession. Here we also note the fundamental importance of personal identity as manifested through property. The root purpose of your life can be understood through the study of personal property - what is "mine"? The most natural type of property for you is indicated by other factors, such as the sign in which the Sun is located and aspects to it. Envy is a trap, and your desire to surpass others in the number of possessions is the road leading to the fulfillment of your life purpose. Recognizing your own worth is a task to be accomplished, while being unresponsive to others or excluding them from your social circle is a pitfall to be avoided.

Money. Acquiring wealth is the central theme around which your life unfolds. Do you always have enough money? Can you have too much of them for your own good? Does money really reveal your true worth as a person? You came to Earth in order to find out the meaning of the concept of “earnings”; possessions or money are important to the fulfillment of life only when they are earned, and thus can be considered truly as the product of personal labor. The trap is to judge everything in purely monetary terms. The challenge is to base your self-worth on the quality of the work you do to earn money, rather than on the money itself, and then enjoy spending the money on yourself.

Self-organization. The central self must be involved in every kind of personal activity. Don't skimp on anything and maintain integrity by either working with your self or having fun with your self. Work is the basis of the process of self-creation, and its productivity is proof of personal worth. As for all levels of this house, where the position of the Sun is considered. analysis of the sign in which the Sun is located and aspects to it is especially important for assessing the style of personal work; the trap is inconsistency. You can undermine your work by believing, on the one hand, that it is worthless, and on the other hand, that your work deserves more than the market values ​​it. The goal is for you to experience your bodily nature in its entirety. The sweat of your work is a tangible manifestation of your spiritual virtue.

Sensuality. The principle of pleasure is decisive for you. You will learn that being in the physical body is temporary, and that much of being in the physical body is associated with feelings of pleasure. Touch is a purely personal experience, and your life is filled with contacts to a much greater extent than the lives of other people, you live by them, because contacts connect you to the sources of cosmic energy necessary for the operation of your human apparatus; The task for you is this: to make every physical event reveal its positive feelings. Squeeze every drop of pleasure from the world.


Good mental and spiritual abilities, but they need to be developed through education or self-education. Logic and memory should be strengthened. Life forces you to be on the move. Trying to manage everything, they grab onto everything in a row and try to do several things at the same time, rarely bringing them to their logical conclusion. Their spiritual vitality and physical mobility are simply amazing, they are curious, inquisitive, they are interested in absolutely everything. Their sociability goes beyond all limits; they can talk endlessly changing topics. They enter any society freely and naturally, they are interesting interlocutors, free from prejudices and superstitions, they are considered a walking encyclopedia, although their knowledge is very superficial, you can always get the necessary information of the first order and the latest news from them. For the most part, they strive for quantitative indicators; the quality of information is not given due attention. They try not to express their personal opinions; instead, they use aphorisms of famous people. They are prone to exaggerations, which they themselves sometimes do not realize, they like to create an effect with what they say, so they try to present the news first. They love sensations, they literally breathe them.

Their early youth may not be easy; they often leave their father’s home early; fate often throws them into the cycle of life with unforeseen consequences. But thanks to their goodwill, good-naturedness, forbearance, ability to communicate with people and make connections, they do not drown in this whirlpool of life, which they themselves largely provoke. These people are only inclined towards intellectual work or work that requires movement. They are subject to momentary moods, and the quality of their work and its results depend on this. They can waste a lot of time in idle chatter, or they can do so many things in a day that no one ever dreamed of.

The sun in the signs of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces - success in pedagogy, literary activity and in the use of foreign languages.Negative aspects of the Sun in the III field are misunderstandings with family members, brothers, sisters, neighbors or colleagues; You should also beware of intrigues, anonymous letters, discrediting through letters, papers, contracts, contacts.

Surrounding people and objects. The position of the Sun in the third house shows that you are fascinated by the stimuli created by any natural or human environment. Quality is less important than quantity, content is less important than form, for your life is full of vigorous surface activity, creating a huge amount of energy for all other life processes. Depth is less valuable to you than breadth. It should also be noted that simple daily activities are as important to you as breathing. Where there is no movement, there is no life. The central task of your life is to discover the infinite diversity of what is “not-you,” nourish yourself with this diversity, and interact energetically with your environment.

Concrete thinking. This level is the main level of interpretation of the 3rd house; The position of the Sun in this house indicates that the essence of your life purpose is the evolution of a particular mindset. Developing and using rational mental abilities becomes your top priority. Your pride is directly related to the development and expression of your intellect, and the same can be said about your shame. The view that all life experiences should be viewed as learning experiences is true to some extent for all of us, but it is especially true for those people who have the Sun in the 3rd house. For you, learning is the essence of all interactions; Logic, rationalism and categorization are all ways of absorbing and transforming life energy for personal use.

Curiosity. Curiosity may or may not be a strong personality trait you present to the world. You may appear calm and self-centered. But what we see on the surface is determined by many other factors. And once you open up, then without a doubt curiosity becomes the fundamental source of motivation for your actions. It gets you up, it gets you going, and even when life gets overwhelming, as it sometimes does, curiosity revives you, lifting your spirit.

Education. Basic education is the basis for fulfilling your life. It is not one of the equivalent phases of growth for you, but rather represents a stumbling block from which everything in your life later grows and blossoms. If the experience gained in primary education is positive, then the child’s life will begin to sound with all its chords. On the other hand, if this experience is nullified, then much of what comes to a person later in life will be the result of struggle. In any case, it all comes down to the fundamental concepts of basic education: reading, writing; and speech. Education is a significant part of the essence of your life; and it should be especially noted that with such a position of the Sun, the cornerstone of learning is communication.

Connection. You depend more than other people on your ability to communicate verbally, for the development and application of the rational abilities of your nervous system is the key to achieving life's goals. You want your words to carry the light of your self. As usual with the Sun, the sign it is in and aspects to it will indicate the tonal quality of communication and speech patterns. But regardless of the sign and aspects, the theme is central to you. Anything that cannot be understood through thought or speech is of less value to your development. Communication is the fuel line that fills the tank of vital energy.


The Sun in the IV field of the horoscope indicates that origin, father's house, parents, inheritance are the main determinants of a person's life. In the life of such a person, parents play an important role; it is difficult for him to break away from them and leave home. Wherever a person is, he is drawn to his home; he constantly feels his connection with his native land. Depending on the aspects of the Sun, relationships with parents or homeland will be either good or tense. The strong cosmic status of the Sun can turn your own home into an impregnable fortress, a real refuge during bad weather. A person with this position of the Sun usually has a good memory, a rich imagination, is interested in everything mysterious and unknown, and is often involved in the occult or secret sciences, magic or astrology. Often this position indicates the characteristics of the final period of an individual’s life.

In fate, alternating periods of success with periods of stagnation are possible, and each new period of run-up can begin on a different basis and even in a different direction. The best success is foreshadowed by work according to your vocation, when the spirit and soul are in harmony with the profession and work. People with this Sun prefer to act independently; ideally, they should have a job without hours so that they can manage their time themselves. The Sun in this field inclines a person to professions that he could engage in without leaving home, so among representatives of liberal professions we can find many people with the Sun in the IV field. These people know well the value of both themselves and money, they love both earning and spending money, but they always have something hidden “for a rainy day.” They work honestly and conscientiously, strive to occupy a higher social level than the one they are on, and accumulate material values.

If the Sun here is strong and intact, it indicates long life. A conjunction with the Moon can further improve this picture, creating a good position in the immediate environment, profitable, profitable enterprises, strengthening personal freedom, independence and independence.

If damaged, it indicates the possibility of a delay in a person’s internal development due to disharmony in relations with his father; the atmosphere of his home will be so painful that the person will leave it. It is possible that parents will become a heavy burden for a person. This position may also indicate that a person has little strength and energy or indicate low income, internal anxiety and restlessness. There may be losses in the house or the house itself.The sun in this field and in the signs of Capricorn or Aquarius, which has no negative aspects, portends a long and fruitful life. A stellium in a given horoscope field can fundamentally change the overall picture for the better or for the worse.

Microcosm. The Sun's position in the 4th house suggests that you have come to Earth to realize that you are ultimately the center of everything in life. The essence of your life is to manifest all-round self-centeredness in as personal a form as possible. You clearly behave modestly where undisguised self-expression is required, for the 4th house is not only conservative, but also personal, and the position of the Sun in this house shows that maintaining essential privacy, mystery, connects you to the source of vital energy - this is a way of protecting your significance. The challenge is to protect your sense of divine center without denying other people's subjective experience of Divinity.

Personal safety. Home, family and traditional values ​​that create a sense of personal security are your core, your core. Your life goal is to achieve and maintain safety; decide what family means to you; provide comprehensive security for yourself and earn the full approval and acceptance of those people who are emotionally significant to you. Whether you feel safe or not, you inevitably return to the search for the perfect “nest.” The sign in which the Sun is located and aspects to it indicate the type of security in the family that is best suited for your evolutionary development. In a crisis, you will sacrifice everything to protect your family.

Emotional stamps. The emotional patterns and environment of early life create a center from which everything in your life emerges. Although the matrix of family systems is important for each of us, regardless of the location of the Sun, for you the family is the axis of existence. In your family, you experienced the first feeling of being important, but it is curious that for you, the acceptance of you by the world outside your family was more critical. This acceptance probably ended either in the triumph of affirmation or in the trauma of rejection. If the imprints are positive, then your life unfolds as a never-ending, happy sentimentality, and if they are negative, then your life becomes a long and painful quest to unearth, discover and liberate yourself through understanding and approval.

A parent who is “internally connected” to a person. One or both of your parents had a big influence on your development, even more than you usually realize. You were very attached to the parent who raised you, because you needed more emotional warmth than other people. This attachment exists regardless of what experience you have acquired: positive or negative. Regardless of whether the parent who has an internal connection with you was your mother or your father, you strive to give your memories a “motherly” quality. What you learn from and about parents directly and powerfully influences your awareness of your own central role as a parent, as your life purpose revolves around themes of protection and security. With this position of the Sun, it is often useful to understand parental influence, to separate myth from fact, because the task is to develop the best that you know about the parents and correct their shortcomings.

Private intuition. Personal intuition is a natural method of rejuvenation, often too important to be overlooked or taken for granted. The inner driver locator often acts more coercively than the circumstances of ordinary life. You seek contact with the deepest, most personal sanctuary of the self. Every time you are truly in touch with your inner self, life energy flows into your whole being. It is a “coming home” to oneself, a life built around the answers to the question: “What do I need to feel whole, safe and secure?”


People with this position of the Sun, as a rule, have an extraordinary mind of a philosophical bent, unorthodox thinking, original, independent judgment and independence of decisions. They confidently gain authority in a professional environment, have a good reputation in society, but this, of course, is with the strong cosmic status of the Sun and the absence of its negative aspects to it. The range of manifestation of such a Sun can extend from heroic deeds to treason and betrayal. We can say for sure that they will always be in the center of attention, the environment will either approve of the actions of a person with the Sun in this house, or condemn him, but he will not be deprived of attention. Many are impressed by their nobility, generosity, generosity, others fall into the network of their “demonstration performances” in which they praise themselves, attributing to themselves imaginable and inconceivable virtues and achievements. For many they become idols, this is especially evident in the world of art. The “flight altitude” of such people depends on the originality of their thinking and behavior, on the breadth of their spiritual horizon and the quality of their life goals.

The Sun in the V field can indicate success in business transactions, trade and speculative activities. Commercial activity under this Sun is good only in cooperation with others. Often they owe their social rise only to close contacts with superiors or connections with high-ranking people. And, nevertheless, they prefer to do everything their own way, so it is useless to put pressure on them, much less demand anything from them. Greater profits can come from financial transactions, investments, stock exchanges, entrepreneurship, especially in the entertainment sector, teaching activities, public speaking, lectures, as well as participation in various types of lotteries and gambling. All this is provided that the Sun is connected by strong and positive aspects with the Moon, Uranus, Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto or the dominant of the II field of the horoscope. Negative aspects, on the contrary, will bring losses and damages in all the above-mentioned enterprises. Love affairs, extramarital and intimate relationships can also play a big role in life.

Romance, giving love. Life is a never-ending romantic adventure. You are a courtier who does nothing but pursue his potential lovers. The center of your life purpose is love, risk, excitement, the exquisite thrill of courtship. The theatrical aspect of love play is part of your essence, a way of absorbing life energy from the cosmos. If you stop the creative flow of love for a short time, the flow of energy will sharply decrease, and you will restore homeostasis by “radiating outward” the accumulated unfulfilled tasks. But if this flow is stopped for a long time, then your vital energy may be endangered. Love alone is not enough, you must have a powerful impact on other people for this love to manifest itself. First create charisma, and then learn how to use it properly.

Sexy performance. Sex is an important part of your life purpose. You strive to be "the world's greatest lover." Focusing energy on another person, experiencing the thrill of seeing, touching and feeling the result of such mental - and physical - penetration is a life experience that leads directly to your essence. Naturally, the sign in which the Sun is located and aspects to it greatly modify the attitude towards love games, but in any case, the real experience of confirming your own importance, acquired through the successful manifestation of sexual fervor, is important for you. You like the idea of ​​having children. However, whether you like raising them is a completely different question.

Personal creativity. By nature, you are a creative person, and what matters to you is what exactly you intend to develop and manifest in life. You may go the artistic route, but it is more likely that you will find your place in the world for other reasons and then try to use it as a channel or arena for your creative impulses. Whether your creative abilities will develop or not, whether creativity will be successful or vice versa - all this depends on myriads of factors that do not affect the state of the Sun and generally do not obey the symbolic instructions of astrology, on such qualities as "heart", development of character and especially flexibility in front of face of criticism.

Competition. Life is a game of chance, a game that ends in victory or defeat, and no one values ​​it as highly as you. Every time you take a risk, every time you compete, life energy flows into you. The essence of your life lies in the paradoxical balance between confidence and risk. Victory or defeat does not play any role here. The goal is to play to your full potential, as consciously as you can. Play with inspiration.


With this position of the Sun, an important role is played by the sign of the Zodiac in which the Sun is located, as well as its aspects. This horoscope field is an indicator of relationships with superiors and subordinates, as well as an indicator of health status or attitude towards health. A person with the Sun in the VI house is a firm realist and life practitioner, possessing sober logic, prudence and prudence. Their life goal and social position never goes against public opinion, but takes into account current laws, rules, instructions and regulations. They owe their success at work and in life to their hard work and efficiency; goals are achieved gradually, systematically, without haste, fuss, risk and excitement. If in life you have to undergo any crises and losses, especially of a financial and material nature, it is only as a result of some kind of natural disaster. Often this position of the Sun indicates that the individual's father is either poor or an ordinary person.

The Sun in the VI house indicates that a person will have a lot of work in this life and needs to take care of someone. This often serves as an indication that a person will have pets in the house, for example a dog. It will be better for a person if he serves other people, for example, as a doctor, servant, secretary, and worse if he has to serve him as a sick or disabled person. If the Sun has negative aspects, this may indicate problems related to servants, work colleagues, marriage partners, and often leads to a breakdown in these relationships.

As for health, the state of health is most strongly influenced by the zodiac signs occupying the VI field of the horoscope, its dominant and the planet or stellium that are in this field. The quality of their configurations with other planets and horoscope elements is of no small importance. A well aspected Sun, especially in the signs of Aries or Leo, portends good health; in the signs of Libra, Capricorn or Aquarius, the Sun forces you to constantly engage in the prevention and maintenance of health, preventing it from weakening, especially with a weak heart. But in any case, having this position of the Sun in your horoscope, you should pay attention to your health, pay enough attention to personal hygiene, and follow a diet, especially if you have a chronic disease. Perhaps due to weak vitality, a person has a tendency to inflammatory processes.

If the Sun in the VI field of the horoscope has negative aspects, especially with Mars, Saturn or Uranus, then this portends:

in the sign of Aries– diseases of the head, face, brain, cerebral nervous system, eyes, auditory organs, teeth; it may also indicate a rush of blood to the head, meningitis, stroke, inflammatory processes with a feverish state;

in the sign of Taurus– diseases of the neck and throat, pharynx, pharynx, larynx, organs of the frontal sinuses, ears, esophagus, trachea, vocal cords, shoulder joints;

in the sign of Gemini– diseases of the respiratory system, tongue, upper limbs from fingers to shoulders, nervous system; most often observed are bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, tuberculosis, edema and lung cancer, as well as arthritis and polyarthritis;

in the sign of Cancer– diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the chest organs, breasts, mammary glands, pleura, mucous membranes of the esophagus, ribs, pancreas, liver and gall bladder, bladder, lymphatic system. Most often - anemia, dropsy, cancer, gastroenteritis, hepatitis, pancreatitis;

in the sign of Leo– diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system, diaphragm, spleen, spine; acute inflammatory processes, fevers, cyclicity disorders;

in the sign of Virgo– diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and lower abdomen, pylorus, peritoneum, pancreas and liver, autonomic nervous system, gall bladder; diseases associated with metabolic disorders;

in the sign of Libra– diseases of the kidneys and bladder, organs of the groin area, uterus, spine, lower back, hips, skin, adrenal glands, ovaries, nervous system;

in the sign of Scorpio– diseases of the genital organs, excretory and internal secretion systems, renal pelvis, bladder, gall bladder, anus, groin area; neck, throat, pharynx, pharynx, larynx, uterus and ovaries;

in the sign of Sagittarius– diseases of the pelvis and hip joints to the knees, liver, blood; diseases of the spinal muscles, lungs, autonomic nervous system, injuries, fractures; radiculitis, sciatica, poliomyelitis, abscesses, fainting;

in the sign of Capricorn– diseases of bones and teeth, especially the tibia and knee joints, adrenal glands, pancreas, digestive system, liver, and gall bladder, skin, tendons; metabolic diseases, gout, rheumatism;

in the sign of Aquarius– diseases of the periosteum, lower leg, calves, ankles, finger joints, kidneys, heart, blood, tendons, cerebellum, nervous system; diseases associated with blood pressure disorders;

in the sign of Pisces– diseases of the legs, ankles, feet, finger joints, glandular tissues, endocrine and lymphatic systems, digestive organs, excretory organs, lungs, heart and blood circulation.

Disease and treatment. Illness and the careful restoration of health are the central theme of life. You came to Earth in order to explore and correct everything that interferes with the restoration of the integrity of both your own and other people. Even when you are healthy, illness is still present in your life; she will be connected to you in some meaningful way. Often this is a professional interest in health and healing. Any significant disturbance is usually related to pride and self-esteem. The trap lies in compliance, in surrender in the literal sense of the word - in capitulation to body diseases or neurotic conditions. The goal is to restore strength through persistent research into the topic of health; study and practice a variety of treatment methods.

Unequal relationships. You are very receptive to the ritual of communication between individuals of different social status. The achievement of your goals depends on how well you behave when communicating with your superiors or subordinates. The trap is embarrassment and confusion before authority. When we defer to a judge, a policeman, a lawyer, a lawyer or a doctor, or even a priest, we do so out of respect for the position, not out of respect for them as people. The internal quality of a person is not necessarily reflected in the social position he or she occupies. The challenge for you is to treat each individual according to his role in society, while striving to honor equality in the spiritual realm. It’s interesting that you feel much better in the position of a subordinate, but the role of a boss brings you anxiety.

Duty and service. It is very important for you to be useful to someone; if you do not show a sincere interest in helping other people, then you are disconnected from the source of cosmic energy that nourishes your being. However, the likelihood of such a disconnection is small, and even if a disconnection occurs, contact is quickly restored, because you immediately feel the outflow of vital energy. A huge danger is the feeling of inability to fully help other people. It is very important for you to be proud of the services you provide. The worst trap lies in false servility - false humility, which is actually self-denigration masquerading as devotion. In serving, in providing help, it is necessary to show true humility. However, do not forget that compensation or payment for service is also very significant for the fulfillment of your life's purpose. Accepting gratitude is just as important to you as providing competent help.

Technical thinking. One aspect of your life purpose is to transform analysis into a skillful lifestyle. When you use your mind to organize and comprehend sequences of events or logical processes, you are tapping into the source of universal energy that fills your fuel tanks. As insight turns into careful reflection, the energy you gain becomes increasingly pure. Let your mind rush to the significant, even if it begins with the trivial. The goal is to observe and interact with what piques your interest; to study how it works and to empathically understand why it exists and what function it serves in the wider world.

Discipline and patterns. Regularity in your life is extremely important to you. Life without discipline is not life at all. You are on Earth to understand the essence of effectiveness in order to increase productivity in the areas of your pragmatic and spiritual aspirations. The actual regularity of your life depends on other factors, such as the sign the Sun is in and the aspects to it, but do not forget that through regular work you can come into closer contact with vital energy. The trap is not seeing the forest for the trees, while the task is to organize all the layers of the self so that they shine with the light of efficiency.


This position of the Sun portends a strong influence on a person by a marriage or business partner or almost complete dependence on them. This dependence will be an important part of the life of a person with such a Sun. All the intensity and depth of experience will be created by partnership or cooperation, regardless of whether it is an alliance with a marriage partner, joint work, co-authorship or general collective work. Also, the Sun in this position creates the foundations of the individual’s social position and provides opportunities for spiritual development. The influence of partnership and the public will play a much greater role in the fate of an individual than his own will and desires. A person with the Sun in the VII field will have to focus on his surroundings, live in full view of everyone, and attract the attention of those around him with his behavior and activities. Depending on the status of the Sun and its aspects, it will be seen whether the person will receive recognition, approval and applause or his popularity and fame will be of a bad nature.

The desire for internal and external harmony forces people with such a Sun to interfere in the affairs of other people, especially if they believe that they need to be reconciled and smooth out contradictions. Their diplomatic mission is almost always successful and they find a way to reconcile the warring parties. This quality makes them suitable for receptions and presentations. They charm their interlocutors with their charming smile, politeness, and courteous manners. They usually get married early, since marriage for them, in most cases, is the same partnership as any commercial enterprise. They are not devoid of ambition, which contributes to the achievement of goals, albeit not grandiose ones. They are often prevented from achieving higher goals by indecision, reluctance to overexert themselves, or simple laziness; they lack perseverance and perseverance, and they are also susceptible to rapidly changing moods. But they compensate for their weaknesses with the ability to get around sharp corners, and in difficult situations they approach solving problems calmly and prudently.

The Sun with a strong cosmic status in the absence of negative aspects, foretells prosperity due to a successful marriage or cooperation, or due to the popularity of one's profession. A strong Sun in the 7th field often indicates long life, high social status, popularity and success in society, well-deserved honor and respect for old age, and also promotes good luck in lawsuits. As a rule, the end of a given individual's life is almost always better than the beginning. There may be a passion for material values, which, however, is carefully hidden.

The sun, which has strong negative aspects with malefic planets, gives a craving for a bohemian lifestyle, frivolity, frivolity, but this is more common among actors, musicians, and artists. It also increases feelings of jealousy, capriciousness, a tendency to scandals and noisy divorces. Negative influences can be significantly mitigated if there is a good configuration with Jupiter or Venus, provided that they are in the IX field of the horoscope. For women, a good configuration with Jupiter or the position of the Sun in the signs of the Cardinal Cross can play an important role.

Reflected awareness. The position of the Sun in the 7th house indicates that you came to Earth to discover yourself through contacts with other people. This "mirror" effect is crucial for you, since this process connects you to the Cosmic Center. Every time you communicate with someone, every time you even consider the possibility of such communication, you fill yourself with energy. The trap is the belief that another person is a source of energy. The goal is to maintain the self-awareness that you create in your partnership so that it continues to exist even in the absence of a partnership. And as a result, every meeting with the same or another person will be built on an existing foundation, on an understanding of who you really are.

Equal relationships. Just because partnerships give you power, it doesn't mean you have to be with your partner twenty-four hours a day. In reality, it is more important for you to establish a serious relationship once and use the energy generated by this relationship for your own needs. The pitfall is the tendency to become completely dependent on your partners, to feel inferior without them, and to lower your self-image as a result. The goal is to create a relationship that supports the life paths of both partners. Don't become One with another person, remain in a state of dynamic duality.

Cooperation. If for some reason you are in a confrontational relationship rather than smooth and calm negotiations; defiance rather than compromise; opposition rather than cooperation, then your life goal encounters obstacles. The more clearly you see and understand another person's point of view—without abandoning your own—the more fulfilling your life becomes. Leave aside partnerships where reaching a compromise is temporarily impossible. See ups and downs as natural processes, not as victories or defeats. You can agree on anything with partners if you have enough time, interest and trust. Therefore, look for partners who will negotiate with you; partners who understand that compromises do not and should not require victories and defeats.

Partners or partnerships. Your natural partner has enormous strength and undisguised nobility. This person's life purpose should have a very powerful effect on you; you feel inner responsiveness, you feel that you have an important place in your partner’s life. Your comrade must be strong-willed, his essence must have real strength. It emits radiation that can be observed by other people. Natural partnerships stimulate your pride, not the false vanity of the ego, but the pride that comes from recognizing your essential integrity as well as your developing capacity for open and more essential self-expression. These relationships should fill your life with light, and although they cannot occupy a key position - this is true only for the "I" - they must be located near the center of your existence. The image is dawn, the Sun breaks through the clouds, rises to warm the earth and dispel the fog.


If the Sun has a good cosmic status and is in the signs of Aries or Leo, and does not have negative aspects with Mars, Saturn or Uranus, then in general the situation is not bad, since this combination gives the owner of the horoscope greater vitality and energy and guarantees good health. A good configuration of the Sun with the dominant of the VIII field and the dominant of birth portends a long life. People with such a Sun are given some kind of power over other people’s money, which they can dispose of more or less freely. It is possible to receive an inheritance. Lasting success can come after marriage or in connection with successful cooperation.

These people are individualists, owners, conservatives, aware of their strength and capabilities, usually are high-class professionals and very authorities in their field of knowledge. Their talents often become noticeable already in their youth, when they are just beginning to form as individuals. They are good organizers and leaders, confidently implementing their plans and intentions. Their lust for power and aggressiveness often create conflict situations; they fiercely defend their point of view and compromise only in cases of extreme necessity, when they feel that power is not on their side and they need to retreat for a while. They are cunning and endowed with good diplomatic skills, but before they manage to achieve anything significant, they have to undergo many upheavals and changes. This position of the Sun also gives interest in everything secret and unknown, in the occult sciences, magic, and astrology.With unfavorable aspects of the Sun - loss of property, fortune, inheritance.

Union. The position of the Sun in the 8th house indicates that the pace of personal appreciation through partnerships is central to your life. The experience of being with someone - not just interacting with a person, but truly merging with them - is so important that everything else pales in comparison. You connect to the source of life energy through a trusting relationship. Believing in your partner simultaneously increases faith in yourself; choose your partners incorrectly and you will stop your development. A “faithful” partner will work with you to achieve a state of union. You don't sacrifice yourself for each other, but for something common and deeper than that. When unity is accompanied by the feeling of becoming more and more yourself, know that you are on the right path. The task is to create a productive unity with a person, not to depend on him and not to separate, but to connect on the basis of trust, while at the same time respecting his own path in life.

Transformation. Strive with all your being towards transformation. It is impossible to flirt with this process, because if you take this path, the very essence of your life orientation changes. This process is similar to a solar eclipse. The radiance of your universe is temporarily extinguished, and this is not so easy to do. If you cannot die properly, then you are not able to live properly. You did not come to Earth to live one life; you have come to live many lives, successively, and each life is built on the remains of the previous life, and all this happens during one earthly life, in one body. Ordinary life is not for you, so don’t try to create it - it can only arise by strangling the living thing that is hidden inside you. You need to live in the flow of the unusual, the extraordinary. Forget about the gray routine, strive for love and interest in life.

Sexual fusion. The psychological liberation of sexual union is central to life. Orgasm opens the door to space, this happens especially clearly in the case of a gradual increase in emotional and physical arousal, where you for a short time forget who is penetrating whom, where the feminine and masculine are indistinguishable, where the loving and the beloved merge into a completely special being, into something more than a person. This is liberation, which can originate in the biological environment and end in the spiritual sphere. Needless to say, release is most effective when your hearts are open, when you and your partner truly love each other. During sexual relations, focus on the center of your being and fill yourself with warm inner light.

Focused Intuition. Intuition reveals your divinity. The intuitive apparatus was given to you from birth, and all that is required of you is simply to put it into action. You are able to penetrate any person you want to focus on because your locator is very powerful. Trap - You may be overwhelmed by what you perceive in another person. You have difficulty distinguishing between other people's sophisticated perceptions and your own experience, which can lead to confusion. The task is to act in accordance with what you feel without touching the source of these sensations. Unleash your premonitions. Strive for complete clarity. Your reward will be heartfelt warmth.

Joint property. One of the levels of your life goal is management, responsibility, benefits from handling money, property and possessions. Based only on the position of the Sun, nothing clear can be said either about your financial situation or about your reaction to money; sign and aspects must be taken into account. All we can say is that your financial situation and reaction to money directly affect the fulfillment of your life goals. You may be in possession of power that you apparently did not ask for, or you may be in need of power, desperately wanting it; but in any case, the power of shared resources will ultimately be yours. The trap is not to notice how many people are affected by you. The task is to fully own this power. Use it consciously, regardless of the method of “wasting”.


According to ancient astrologers, the Sun in the IX field of the horoscope gives “the favor of the king and God himself.” A person with this position of the Sun has a pious, noble and fair character, is an excellent conversationalist, an interesting companion and companion. Here the Sun gives interest in spiritual and religious issues, speaks of an interest in philosophy, a desire to expand one’s horizon, both spiritual and physical. Often people with this position of the Sun are connected with other countries and cultures and travel a lot. These people are always aiming somewhere, they are self-confident, decisive, ambitious and ambitious, which helps them ultimately achieve more than people who live one day at a time and do not have any specific goals. Usually people with this position of the Sun become professionals in their chosen field of knowledge, become high school teachers or spiritual teachers, achieve recognition and earn all kinds of titles and titles. Advancement is facilitated not only by high ideals, optimism and altruism, but also by a strong sense of compassion, nobility, generosity, and the desire for justice.

The Sun in Water signs, which has no negative aspects, indicates successful travel on water, especially sea travel. The Sun in the signs of Cancer, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Pisces foretell sea voyages or stays abroad. A good aspect connection of the Sun with Jupiter, the Moon and Neptune gives phenomenal and extrasensory abilities, the ability to predict future events, and see prophetic dreams. A negatively aspected Sun in the signs of Gemini, Libra, Aquarius warns of dangers while traveling or flying.

Conceptual structures. If the Sun is in the 9th house, then the essence of your life goal is to open new spheres and spaces of life to your mind. You came to Earth to expand your mental horizons, to develop, explore and search for a philosophy of life. Whenever you mentally open up, you connect to the cosmos. Existing at the highest ethical level available to you creates an influx of vital energy. It is not enough that you recognize and accept existing philosophical views; you must synthesize everything you know into an original system, a personal philosophy, that can become the basis of your life. The pitfalls are to soar high in the clouds of abstraction and eventually lose contact with the reality of life on Earth. Understanding the mysteries of the universe means little if you can't remember your zip code. The task is to combine the admiration of abstract thinking with the discipline of moral living and to impart this wisdom to all whom it can spiritually strengthen.

Perspective in the field of culture. Reading books about distant lands, thinking about them, traveling to explore these worlds is a natural way of life for you. The sense of inquiry is fundamental; it can be physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. The better you study the life of other cultures, especially directly, the more fully your main life goal will be realized. You find yourself when you travel to other worlds. This is not only travel to distant countries, but also a wide variety of “forays” into your backyard. The task is to assimilate the breadth of views of people, to be like a “weaver” of a single world of people.

Higher education. You are eager to learn. It is not known how you studied in elementary school, but it is safe to say that you will become an “eternal student” in the good sense of these words. You are particularly interested in conceptual areas of knowledge. You can study them both independently and in institutes, universities and other formal educational structures, because not only knowledge, but also diplomas are important to you. Learn everything you can and then pass that knowledge on to others.

Search for truth. The position of the Sun in the 9th house emphasizes, more than the positions of other planets in the 9th house, the very slight difference between deep and pragmatic truths. What matters to you is the absence of lies. There are two types of lies. The first is an active lie, that is, believing in an objective falsity or communicating it to others. Clearly this type of experience is negative for you. It disconnects you from your divinity. But passive lies are equally harmful - either as hiding the truth, or as replacing the truth with a lesser one. This serious trap weakens you. It is extremely important for you to seek the highest truth and communicate it to others in all circumstances of life. There is no need for perfect expression of the truth, nor for others to fully understand it. Your job is to fight for honesty, integrity and enlightenment. Truth is life.

Ideal society. Your perfect society is like Olympus. People are like the Gods of ancient myths, their wisdom and nobility permeate the inexhaustible stream of creativity. Your deepest desire is to be able to reach agreement on any issue, and the people of this society are fluent in this skill. As ruler of the world, you would be powerful but generous; powerful but benevolent; noble and majestic, but always allowing his subjects to come to him.


This is the second most important position of the Sun after its position in the first field of the horoscope. The X field indicates the components of a person’s general destiny, such as profession, social status, fame, honors, respect, titles, ranks, fame, awards. It also shows the meaning, value, weight and significance of a life goal, and the way to bring it to life. The sun in this field allows a person to make the most of his potential, to direct all his energy to the implementation of his ambitious ideas and plans. A person can try himself as a leader. Success is possible, although it can be very unstable, and in the case of negative aspects to the Sun, problematic.

The Sun in the X field of the horoscope can really distinguish a person from the general mass of people, giving him the opportunity to become a person to whom not only others, but the whole world will pay attention, but this is not always the case. The fact that the Sun is in this field in no way provides a guarantee of successful social advancement or the receipt of all the benefits that the main principle of this field promises. Whether it will bring them or not will be shown by an analysis of the overall picture of the entire horoscope, in which the configurations of the Sun with other planets and elements of the horoscope will be of no small importance. Other planets in the same field are especially important.The position of the Sun in the Zodiac sign shows how the goal will be achieved.

So the Sun
in the sign of Aries will act actively, even aggressively, creating all the conditions for the implementation and completion of all his ideas and plans;
in the sign of Taurus– everything is done with great tenacity and perseverance;
in the sign of Gemini– movement towards the goal is chaotic and superficial;
in the sign of Cancer– action according to circumstances and opportunities;
in the sign of Leo– strength and energy are completely devoted to the implementation of plans in the field of the profession;
in the sign of Virgo– movement towards the goal with calculation, pedantry and pragmatism;
in the sign of Libra– action through other people or in alliance with them;
in the sign of Scorpio
acts aggressively, giving all his best;

in the sign of Sagittarius– expansively, with great effort;
in the sign of Capricorn– carefully and prudently, with great restraint and patience;
in the sign of Aquarius– original, eccentric, fanatical;
in the sign of Pisces– carefully, cautiously, secretly, intuitively.

Favorable aspects of the Sun create certain prerequisites for achieving one’s goals, a high social level, and so on, especially if the help of Jupiter, Venus or the dominant X field of the horoscope is added to this. The closer the Sun is to the Meridian, the more brilliant success is expected in the profession, the higher and more important post one can earn. This also portends a stellium in this horoscope field.

The presence of Mars, Saturn or the Descending Lunar Node in the X field significantly reduces the beneficial influence of the Sun, foreshadowing a change of profession or position, even its loss.In the signs of Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, at a daytime birth, success and career are foreshadowed in all matters indicated by the essential nature of the signs of the Zodiac.In the signs of Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces - success in everything where you can work independently, not obeying orders, where the inner world can be in harmony with the outer, where you can show your individuality, where interests coincide with your vocation, where you can show the wealth of your imagination.

Collective responsibility. Your life energy comes to you as a result of your awareness of life in the visible world, of collective culture. This is the area of ​​operation of the “guru consciousness”. It can be deep and powerful or subtle and almost imperceptible, but other people feel a powerful divine force flowing through you. Your task is to express this energy as fully and correctly as you can, because you came to Earth to carry out a mission that exceeds personal interests in its scope. Every time you take responsibility, every time you act in the right direction, you absorb vital energy. To live, you must find your place in the world. The task is to find your niche where you can make as much contribution to the development of society as your potential allows.

Professional ambition. You can appear conservative, a three-piece suit and tie, formal and prudent, or you can be completely different, a person who rises above the crowd to assert his own opinion, however, the specific opportunity will be determined by other factors of the card. In any case, you are very sensitive to power in society, you strive to grab as much as you can, regardless of whether it is earned, inherited, borrowed or stolen. Your career fills you with vital energy, and whenever you want to invigorate yourself, the most natural way to fulfill such a desire is to engage in professional affairs. The symbolism of the Sun is too broad to accommodate specific activities. However, she points out the following: everything you do should be vitally important to you; you must do it with great dignity; you have to make an impact on the whole world. The goal is to gain widespread social respect. Remember - be authoritative, but not authoritarian.

Missions and messages. Your personal purpose and your mission are the same thing, although you may not perceive them as such. There is often a conflict between living for yourself and serving a greater purpose. Undoubtedly, you are closed in on yourself, perhaps you have a slight divinity complex. This does not mean that you consider yourself more important than other people, but that you are very self-centered in expressing your message. This message is you. As we observe your life, we are reminded of the importance of being noble; we remember a state of personal integrity. The position of the Sun in a sign and aspects to it indicate the tone of what is coming through you, so it is necessary to explore these factors to clarify the message.

A parent who is “externally related” to a person. Your father is the embodiment of strength, either overt or more subtle; Note that you have internalized many of his character traits. Its importance in your life cannot be underestimated. If he was around you when you were a child, he had a deep and long-lasting impact on you. The older you get, the more similarities between you and your father become apparent. If he was physically or psychologically absent, then you will flounder in life until you find a surrogate authority figure who can fulfill the function of an absent father, or until you become a father to yourself.

Authority. Authority can be either your greatest strength or your Achilles heel. It all depends on your maturity or ability to reconcile the paradoxes provoked by pride. If your internal development has been harmonious, then you can become a model of responsible authority. Otherwise, you are capable of being two-faced in your behavior, opposing any external authority, power above you, but at the same time, total dominion over people below you. This trap is called “don’t laugh, peas are no better than beans,” and it ultimately leads to opposition to you or the undermining of your power. The challenge is to understand the gentle power of true fatherly care and to develop and release the power of authority hidden within you so that you can treat both others and yourself with respect and reverence.


With a good cosmic status of the Sun and its favorable configurations with other planets and horoscope elements, you can count on good and faithful friends, devoted like-minded people, strong and powerful guardians, sponsors, philanthropists who will help you advance in life, occupy a high social position, gain reputation and respect the surrounding world. The patronage of high-ranking people plays a big role in life.

Such people win sympathy with their creative and inventive gifts, goodwill, original thoughts and plans. They are not burdened with prejudices, prejudices, superstitions, or any other mental obscurations. They combine strong intuition, healthy prudence, sober logic and a sparkling sense of humor. As a rule, they try to follow their own path, but it is never straight, so they most often have to take a roundabout route to their goal. They rarely achieve their goals alone; in most cases, people with this position of the Sun gather around them a group of people who are united by one interest. They feel great in a team, whose trust they quickly earn. The views and opinions of other people do not serve as a standard for them, but they will defend their point of view fiercely and very convincingly. In this they can reach the point of fanaticism. They are attracted to everything new, progressive and secret; they hate conservatism, bureaucracy, and philistinism.

The strong cosmic status of the Sun in the absence of negative aspects portends great joy or even happiness from one’s children, especially from sons. Favorable aspects with Mars, Saturn, Uranus or Jupiter indicate that the interests of the individual will be supported and protected by the powers that be. Unfavorable aspects with the same planets warn that the individual should beware of unfaithful and false friends, wicked guardians, selfish sponsors, be wary of treason and betrayal on their part, as well as accidents.

Participation in group life. Groups are the area of ​​life where you shine. However, practice diplomacy, because you can waste yourself on trifles, becoming the pose of a boss or in charge. Equally, try to avoid strong identification with the group so as not to create a psychological clique, an in-group/everyone-out-group, an "us and them" division. These traps may initially make you feel more stable, safer, and more confident, but over time they can drain your energy and jeopardize your life's purpose. Remember that every person on the planet is a member of the same group: humanity. The task is to find your place in social reality, let the groups help you decide on the most important themes of your life and implement them.

Appropriate behavior. You are very social, you do not create your own standards of behavior, you absorb rules of appropriate behavior directly from your environment. As soon as the social group changes, your sense of correct behavior changes along with it. As always, the sign and aspects of the Sun can greatly add to these considerations, but in any case you will have a sense of what other people expect from you. What is constant is the emphasis on dignity. The main pitfalls are being too proud of your “ideal” behavior. and in reacting arrogantly to criticism. The challenge is to find a way to merge your inner self with your best outer behavior, so that one supports the other.

Friendship, social circle. In friendships you absorb vital energy. The support of true friends is a very important condition for achieving your life goal. No friends, no life. Your social circle is huge and diverse. It is not enough for you to have one or two friends to satisfy your need for contact. Equally, if all your friends are the same in their mentality or orientation in life, then you limit the possibilities of fulfilling your life. You may think that you are building a magnificent world, but later you will discover the inferiority of your Divine gift. Loyalty is important to you, however, conflicts surrounding the topics of dignity and power cannot be avoided. Don't let pride take over. Be the truest friend to other people, in your opinion, and then watch how they treat you.

Collaborative creativity. Your power increases when you work creatively within a group, and this power, this energy is available not only to you, but also to the rest of the group. And although this creativity is, by definition, collaborative, you want to lead. Moderate your ambitions, humble yourself. Your creative role is to be the fuel for the group's creative expression, to provide it with both power and purpose.

Accepting love. Showing you love means treating you with respect. It also implies that the other person is paying attention to you; if people say they love you but then ignore you, then you don't feel loved, even if you are deep in their hearts. Expressions of caring must be powerful and comprehensive, they must permeate your life center. Interestingly, to feel loved, you must love. You can't imagine anyone loving you if you don't feel love for them. It is equally paradoxical that you do not accept the advances of a person if you have not yet chosen him as your lover. Yes, you are susceptible to flattery (sometimes even too much...), but if you do not like a person, then attribute his compliments to friendship. Those who love you should know that their love is accepted by you. The challenge is to first become a lover and then allow the love that comes back to you to nourish your life center until you blossom.


The Sun in this field of the horoscope influences areas associated with secret sciences and, in general, with all kinds of secrets. If the Sun is not damaged, it can indicate considerable success in everything related to the secret sciences, magic, astrology, traditional medicine, healing, bioradiology and biostremization, hypnosis and psychotherapy. These people usually owe their success in life to their gift, creative work, or some lucky chance. Successful work requires a guarantee of safety and confidence in material support. On the one hand, such a Sun promises a lot of trips and travel, on the other, periods of solitude and isolation, especially during research work or creative activity.

This position of the Sun is considered the most unfortunate and unlucky after the VI and VIII fields of the horoscope if it has negative aspects with Saturn or other malefic planets. In this case, the Sun can foreshadow not only secret, hidden enemies and their insidious machinations, but also a prison, concentration camp, captivity, exile, hospital or monastery. Here it defines work in closed institutions and departments with a certain regime and daily routine, as well as forced work. An immoral lifestyle, various adventures, scams, especially of a love nature, bring them a lot of harm. But with a good configuration of the Sun with X dominants II fields or with Saturn, a long life is foreshadowed. If cusp X II The field of the horoscope is in the signs of Libra or Aquarius, this indicates the short life of either the individual’s father or himself; in women’s horoscopes this position indicates the short life of the father or husband. It is especially bad if Mars or Saturn are located here along with the Sun, or the Sun forms a conjunction, square or opposition with them. This foreshadows either the loss of one of the parents, or poor health, or loss of reputation, or restriction of personal freedom. The Sun in the signs of Aries or Leo is the best position among all others. The Sun in the signs of Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces portends a stay abroad or overseas trips and travels. The Sun in the signs of Libra and Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces warns that one should beware of secret and insidious enemies.

Imagination. Fantasy occupies a central place in your life. No dreams - no vital energy. Fantasies are created around two groups of images: monumental conceit, where you command the entire universe, or total sacrifice, liberation from the self and dissolution into space. The difference is that one image expands the ego and the other evaporates it, but the end result is identical: reunification with everything. The trap is not distinguishing between what is real and what is only possible; what is really happening and what is happening in your imagination. Don't get lost in the Twilight Zone; you may become crazy. The task is not to resist any of the spaces. Let your dreams influence your real life and vice versa, and let your fantasies gently guide your development rather than cloud your reality.

Unfocused intuition. Give intuitive perception an important place in your life, without controlling the specifics of what you accept, and your life will be filled with energy and sound. Throw away your intuition, and you will block access to cosmic energy. Don't strain yourself trying to understand why you are entering streams of images, feelings, bits of information. Don't try to figure out what they mean or what you should do with them. Your task is to remain radiantly calm, vibratingly quiet. The trap is misinterpretation, creating complex forms but missing the truth. The task is to become a clear channel through which the universe can send messages; become a prism for invisible light.

Withdrawal or solitude. You need to move away from everyday life very often. You need privacy to recharge. Your life purpose is revealed when you are most isolated from life. You return to the world full of renewed enthusiasm. You are everywhere and nowhere at the same time, a real person and just a vessel into which divine revelations are poured. The balance of this paradox, the simultaneous existence of both poles, gives you strength. Meditation in some form is a basic necessity.

Selfless help. When you give your all with complete compassion, you connect directly to your divinity. When you act by forgiving, you are absorbing life force. When you give of yourself, you fulfill what is destined by fate. But such dedication does not mean martyrdom for you. You shouldn't sacrifice yourself completely. Instead, you need to make people understand that we are all passengers on the same ship. Don’t try to be a saint, because quite often such behavior boomerangs on the growth of your egoism. Respond with your whole being, with your whole life, to that power that comes not from the ordinary human self, but from above. "Not my will, but Yours."

"Past Lives" Your past lives are pressing on you, pushing you to feel and understand them. You need to bring together the entire set of past lives in the current incarnation if you want the whole evolutionary pattern to be filled with spiritual meaning. The exact nature of these lives cannot be assessed based solely on the position of the Sun. However, we can assume that their basis is the development of the effectiveness of the individual’s existence with the help of the fullness of individual power. In addition, it can be said that your relationship with your father or other authority figures is karmic in nature. A fairly natural trap is to repeat the mistakes of the past without freeing yourself from attachment to it, which allows these patterns to play a major role in your life. The goal is to see each event as a sign of the past and adjust your behavior accordingly. As a result, you can achieve true spontaneity rather than being destroyed by repetitive cycles of unconscious response.

Used Books:
1. S. Vronsky “Classical astrology”, vol.4
