Egg liqueur recipe. How to make homemade egg liqueur How to make egg liqueur at home

During World War II, a similar drink was given to Italian soldiers to recuperate. We will look at how to make egg liqueur at home using classical technology. Immediately after preparation (takes a maximum of 5 hours), you can proceed to tasting; long infusion is not required.

Historical reference. The recipe for egg liqueur was invented in 1840 by Senor Peziolo, who lived in the Italian city of Padua. The master called his drink “VOV”, which means “eggs” in the local dialect. Over time, other variations appeared, but it is the composition and proportions of Peziolo that are considered the best.


  • sugar – 400 grams;
  • sweet white wine – 150 ml;
  • vodka – 150 ml;
  • fresh milk – 500 ml;
  • egg yolks – 6 pieces;
  • vanilla sugar - to taste.

Instead of vodka, well-purified, odorless moonshine or alcohol diluted with water is suitable. Theoretically, sugar can be replaced with liquid honey (add 60% of the specified amount), but not everyone likes the combination of yolks and honey, so the replacement is not always justified. Use only fresh milk (sour milk will curdle) with minimal fat content, since the finished drink will already be high in calories.

Egg liqueur recipe

1. Separate the white from the yolk in chicken eggs.

Attention! You only need a clean yolk; if even a little white remains, the liqueur will turn out tasteless.

2. Beat the yolks for 10 minutes.

3. Add 200 grams of sugar and continue beating for another 10 minutes.

4. Pour the remaining 200 grams of sugar into a saucepan with high walls, add milk and vanillin.

5. Bring to a boil, then simmer the mixture for 10 minutes over low heat, stirring constantly and removing foam. Remove the pan from the heat and let the milk syrup cool to room temperature.

6. Add vodka and wine to the yolks in a thin stream, stirring carefully so that the beaten eggs do not settle at the bottom. Then cover the container with a lid and leave for 30 minutes.

7. Mix cold milk syrup with the egg component. Leave for 4 hours in the refrigerator.

8. Filter the prepared homemade egg liqueur through cheesecloth or a strainer, pour into bottles for storage, and seal tightly.

Store only in the refrigerator. Shelf life – 3 months. Strength - 11-14%. The disadvantage of the drink is its high calorie content.

Homemade egg liqueur is very easy to prepare.

  • Milk – 500 ml
  • Eggs – 2 whole eggs and 3 yolks
  • Sugar – 1 glass
  • Vodka – 300 ml
  • Vanillin - optional

Before making egg liqueur, you will need to separate the yolks from the whites, leaving 2 eggs whole.

To prepare the drink, pour milk into a saucepan, boil and cool. Beat 2 whole eggs in a blender, add 3 yolks, sugar and vanillin. Pour the cooled milk into the egg mixture and continue whisking until the sugar dissolves. Pour in the vodka in a thin stream and whisk thoroughly again at high speed for a few seconds.

Pour the finished liqueur into bottles, close the lids and leave for 14 days. Drink chilled or add a few ice cubes.

Making egg liqueur at home using this recipe is very simple.

  • Milk - 1 l
  • Sugar - 2 cups
  • Vodka or rum - 1 glass
  • Yolks - 6 pieces
  • Vanilla sugar - optional

Pour milk into a bowl or enamel pan, add vanilla sugar and bring to a boil over low heat. Beat the egg yolks with sugar until smooth and carefully pour into the hot milk.

Cook the milk mixture until thickened - but do not bring to a boil. Cool the resulting mixture, add vodka and mix well.

Pour the liqueur into bottles and place in a cool place for several days.

Classic egg liqueur recipe

This classic recipe for egg liqueur will appeal to lovers of natural homemade drinks.

  • Yolks - 8 pcs
  • Vodka - 500 ml
  • Sugar - 1.5 cups
  • Milk -2 cups

Separate the yolks from the whites. Beat the yolks with sugar, set aside the whites. The milk can be brought to a boil in advance, or you can put it in a water bath. Pour hot milk into the egg mixture, mix well and keep in a water bath for several minutes until the mixture thickens and becomes custard-like.

Cool the prepared liqueur base, mix with vodka and pour into a convenient container - jars or bottles. Place the liqueur in the refrigerator for a day, after which you can taste the liqueur or prepare delicious cocktails based on it.

Advocate egg liqueur recipe

Egg liqueur "Advocate" is the most famous type of this drink.

  • Condensed milk – 1 can
  • Egg yolks – 8 pcs
  • Sugar – 2 cups
  • Vanilla sugar – 1 sachet
  • Vodka – 500 ml

Place a can of condensed milk in water and cook for 2 hours until it becomes thick but does not turn into hard caramel. Fill the jar with cold water and cool.

Break the eggs, separate the whites from the yolks and place in two separate bowls. Pour sugar into the yolks and grind well; you can beat them using a blender or mixer. Place the whites in the refrigerator - they can be used to make cream or baked goods.

Add condensed milk to the yolk mass and beat well, add vanilla sugar and pour in vodka.

Shake the drink well again and pour into the bottles. The liqueur can be drunk once, but it is best to let it rest for several days in the refrigerator.

Cocktail with egg liqueur “Coral Reef”

Cocktails with egg liqueur are wonderful drinks that serve as decoration for any holiday feast. The most popular cocktail is the Coral Reef.

To prepare it you need to take:

  • Egg liqueur - 25 ml
  • Pineapple juice - 50 ml
  • Lime juice - 25 ml
  • Lime wedge - for garnish

Pour all ingredients into a shaker and mix well. Fill the glass with crushed ice, and carefully pour the alcoholic mixture on top. Garnish the cocktail with a slice of lime or lemon. A light drink has a strength of no more than 4.5%.

There are no special requirements for what to drink egg liqueur with. You can drink it as a cocktail or neat with a fruit salad or chocolate dessert.

Advocate(Advocaat - gol.) - egg-milk liqueur based on grape alcohol or ordinary cognac brandy, generously flavored with sugar or honey. The strength of the drink ranges from 14-20 degrees. The rich yellow color of industrial versions of the liqueur is achieved not only by the presence of a fair amount of egg yolks, but also by the addition of special dyes.

The main producers of the drink are: Warniks, Lucas Bols, De Kuyper and Verpoorten.

History of the drink Advocate

In the mid-17th century, Dutch colonists who settled in Suriname managed to briefly capture a number of neighboring territories that were part of Portuguese Brazil. During their short reign, the Dutch adopted from the local Indians the recipe for a drink made by mixing fire water, milk and avocado pulp. The idea quickly took root in Suriname, and then the liquor reached the metropolis. But no matter how hard the hardworking Dutch tried, they failed to grow overseas fruits in the cool climate of their native country. In this regard, some folk craftsman came up with the idea of ​​replacing avocados with egg yolks, which was done with great success.

However, despite the fact that avocado disappeared from the recipe itself, it remained in the name of the liqueur. The Spanish name for this exotic fruit, common at that time: “aguacate,” for the European ear turned out to be consonant with the usual name of the legal profession. It’s funny that even in the official encyclopedic publications of the late 19th century, the “legal” name of the liqueur was explained by its beneficial effect on the throat, allowing lawyers to make long speeches in court.

Varieties of Advocate liqueur

The drink we are interested in is divided into two categories:

    Thick Advokat is popular in Holland, as well as in the Austrian Tyrol, where the liqueur later found its next homeland. Its density is such that a teaspoon is often needed when using it.

    Liquid Lawyer is usually exported. Its consistency is reminiscent of Baileys.

How and with what do you drink Advocaat?

This classic dessert drink, in its thick form even replacing dessert, is enjoyed by those with a sweet tooth in its pure form at the end of the meal. In this case, ordinary liqueur glasses are used, and, if necessary, a small spoon. Undiluted Advocate may be kept at room temperature or slightly refrigerated; but definitely without ice.

If a pure drink seems too sugary, it can be served in a wide glass, mixed with cream and sprinkled with grated chocolate.

In addition, it is widely practiced to add this liqueur to coffee and hot chocolate.

Finally, Advocaat is a desirable ingredient in many dessert cocktails, for example: the flag of Ukraine.

In all of the above cases, ice cream, chocolate and sweet cookies will serve as a pleasant addition.

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Nowadays there are a large number of alcoholic drinks. It is likely that you may not remember everything. Among young people, the most popular is beer, and among older people it is usually vodka, cognac or wine. Today we’ll talk about a drink called egg liqueur, which also has a lot of fans. We will also tell you how to prepare this solar drink.

History of appearance

If we start talking about egg liqueur, then, as a rule, many people associate it with the Advocate liqueur. The origin of this drink is unclear. There are several versions here. The first is based on seventeenth-century Dutch texts. They mention a bright yellow drink that was popular among sailors sailing on the Dutch

What was egg liqueur previously? It's a mixture of alcohol and avocado mousse. Unfortunately, there was no such fruit in the sailors’ homeland, so they replaced it with yolk.

Modern egg liqueur has a creamy, velvety texture. This one contains an average of 16-18% alcohol.

Various recipes for making egg liqueur use honey or sugar, brandy (grape) or cognac (sometimes vodka), condensed milk or cream.

Very thick drinks like this are sold in Belgian and Dutch markets. The most famous producers of this liqueur are Jansen, Bols, Warninks, etc.

In Poland they produce a liqueur called Ajerkoniak. It is prepared on the basis of vodka.

Particularly thick drinks are produced in the Netherlands. They use wide-necked bottles to make pouring easier. I use this type of liqueur in making desserts and creams. It is also added to cakes and muffins. How can you replace egg liqueur in a cake if you don’t have it on hand? Any liqueur will do, Baileys is especially good. You can also use regular cognac for these purposes.

Prepare a delicious drink at home

Now we suggest finding out how to make egg liqueur at home. To prepare it, you will not need to cook condensed milk and spend a long time fiddling around in the kitchen. However, before pouring the liqueur into glasses, you still need to wait a little, otherwise the drink will have a rather strong taste and aroma of vodka. It is advisable to let it brew for three days (minimum twelve hours). After this procedure, the unpleasant aftertaste disappears, and the accepted bouquet appears (a little similar to cognac).

To prepare, you will need ordinary utensils, for example, a deep bowl. You will also need a fork. If you have a blender, that's great, use it. This device is best for whipping yolks.

Homemade egg liqueur

To prepare 450 ml of liqueur, you will need:

  • half a can of condensed milk;
  • three yolks;
  • half a teaspoon of vanilla (if using, 1.5 teaspoons);
  • 350 ml of good vodka (to your taste). Brandy can be used.

How to make egg liqueur? Let's look at the whole process in detail.

  1. First you need to separate the whites from the yolks. This must be done very carefully so that nothing unnecessary gets into the drink.
  2. Then you need to thoroughly beat the yolks.
  3. Next, add vanilla to the eggs. After that, continue beating until you get a mass with a homogeneous consistency.
  4. Then add vodka in small portions. This is necessary so that you can choose the consistency you like. After which you need to mix the liquor and pour it into the bottle. The finished drink can be stored in the refrigerator for a month (no more!).

Note that the egg liqueur prepared in this way turns out to be quite liquid, but after it stands in the cold for several days, its consistency will become thicker and will resemble cream. Such metamorphoses became the reason that the use of liqueur became much wider. So, in addition to the fact that it is used in cocktails, it is poured over ice cream, and is also used for layering and filling cakes and pastries. It goes without saying that such sweets are not intended for children.

A homemade sunny egg liqueur will add some cheer to any party.


Having figured out how to make liqueur, let's look at cocktails that contain an egg drink.

First, we’ll tell you how to properly prepare Algerian Coffee.

This cocktail has a very interesting taste. First you need to brew the coffee in a Turk, let it cool, then bring it to a boil again. Now pour egg liqueur (20 ml) into the glass. Then pour cold water (one teaspoon) into the hot coffee along the walls. This is necessary for the grounds to settle. After this, pour it into a glass of coffee. Decorate the finished drink with cream on top.

"Pink Shoes"

To prepare such a cocktail, you need to mix equal quantities (about 20 ml) of egg liqueur. At the end you should add cream. Then everything needs to be mixed thoroughly. Then fill the cocktail with soda to the top.


This drink is refreshing. First, take a 500 ml glass and pour egg liqueur (50 ml) into it. Then the rest of the volume is filled with lemonade. Garnish the glass with a slice of lime and a special cocktail umbrella.


This drink is already stronger. Mix 30 ml of vodka, 20 ml of egg liqueur, 15 ml of anise liqueur and the same amount of orange and pineapple juice in a shaker. Everything is done very carefully. Then pour the resulting cocktail into a glass and add crushed ice. Decorate the finished drink with fruit slices.

A little conclusion

We found out what egg liqueur is, and also looked at how to prepare it and how to make a variety of cocktails based on it. We hope that the information was useful to you.

There are a huge number of recipes for this liqueur. This is my tried and true favorite, adjusted during experiments. I once tried to cook it with condensed milk and cream, but it was not the same. Some recipes do not require milk at all and the liqueur is significantly yellower, but somehow the taste is not the same. I also experimented with the amount of yolks, as well as with alcohol. There are recipes for alcohol. (The liqueur turns out to be too strong and vigorous, without the necessary aftertaste) Brandy, aka cognac, not from the outskirts of the French city of Cognac, for me is the key ingredient of this liqueur, like the yolks. It gives a specific taste. In German, despite the fact that the liqueur is Dutch, it is also very popular in Germany; egg liqueur is even called Eiercognac, which literally means “egg cognac”. Speaking of eggs, you need to very carefully separate the whites from the yolks, or even a drop of white during the cooking process will create a lump that spoils all the pleasure of the drink.

This liqueur is moderately thick and creamy. It's perfect for adding to coffee or drizzling over fruit salads (for adults, of course!), and it's also delicious on pancakes. Once upon a time in Dortmund, in an underground passage near the main station, I wanted the warm pancakes they sold there, and simply, ascetically, without filling anything, they poured me my choice of egg liqueur or amaretto. I have forever fallen madly in love with the combination of warm pancakes generously brushed with egg liqueur. At home, I add fruits or berries to these pancakes in the middle as a filling. Very tasty with a banal banana.

Egg liqueur will also come in handy on the Easter table, which in turn can be described as “An ode to the egg in all its manifestations,” if we consider the holiday table from the culinary side.

About 600-650 ml


  • 4 yolks
  • 120 grams of sugar
  • 200 ml milk
  • 250 ml brandy or cognac
Infusion: 3 days Cooking time: 15 minutes Total cooking time: 3 days 15 minutes

1) Bring milk to a boil, remove from heat, set aside.

2) In a deep bowl, beat the yolks with sugar until creamy in a water bath.

The water bath must be organized so that the bottom of the bowl of water does not touch the water in the pan on which it is standing, and the water does not boil intensely. You need to be vigilant so that the yolks do not curdle.

3) When the yolks reach a thin sauce, carefully pour in warm milk, continuing to whisk.

Remove from the water bath. Let cool completely and add brandy, stirring well with a whisk.
