Sagittarius and Capricorn love union. Compatibility of Sagittarius and Capricorn in love relationships. Love and marriage

For some reason, the horoscope is wary of this union. The difference in the elements, temperaments and values ​​of the signs has an effect. But no one and nothing can disrupt the compatibility in love of Sagittarius and Capricorn if these two firmly decide to be together.

Relationship between Sagittarius woman and Capricorn man

A Sagittarius woman and a Capricorn man make an interesting couple in a love relationship. She finds solidity and peace in him. He is in it - beauty, fun, liveliness of mind and dynamics. Together they find it easy and difficult at the same time.

Easy - because the two signs complement each other. The earthly element balances the element of Fire, and that, in turn, does not allow the earthly element to stagnate to the point of a swamp.

The Capricorn husband might be satisfied with the achieved position, but his restless wife constantly seduces him with new horizons. Therefore, the career is always going up and the family’s material well-being is growing.

The Sagittarius girl learns from her serious husband patience and that things still need to be completed.

She has serious problems with this. Without appropriate training, fire signs can jump from one to another, quickly get carried away, but just as quickly cool down. Therefore, close communication with Capricorns can increase the abilities of Sagittarius many times over.

Sagittarius wives, having mastered the mainline movement, build a dizzying career. This has a positive effect on the compatibility of the couple in marriage. It is difficult for a girl of this sign to stay at home all the time, and this is exactly what her Capricorn husband demands of her. But he takes on some of the household responsibilities if his wife has a good, well-paid job.

How to overcome difficulties in relationships?

It is not for nothing that the horoscope is harsh towards this unusual union. Ice and fire literally collide in it. A woman of the element of Fire is too freedom-loving and independent to be obedient and rational.

Therefore, if these two signs decide to stay together for a long time, in marriage and love they will have to learn the art of compromise.

Moreover, both Capricorn and Sagittarius will need to get out of their familiar world and look into another, completely different one.

But spouses should not be afraid of this. Once they decide to accept and understand their partner's point of view, they will be able to significantly expand their personal horizons and achieve great success. To do this, both signs will have to learn not only to listen to their soul mate, but also to hear it.

The couple faces certain difficulties in the intimate sphere. In bed, Capricorn shows shyness and a certain severity. It is difficult for Sagittarius’s more liberated wife to stir him up. But if desired, she will cope with this task perfectly. It is important not to rush and solve the problem gradually, and not with the help of scandals and hysterics.

The compatibility of this union depends entirely on the ability of lovers or spouses to negotiate. They will never be able to live "right" from each other's point of view. Therefore, it is important to take steps forward and understand the fact that the partner has different needs. They initially need to take a position of friendship, not argument and confrontation. Then everything will work out.

Relationship between Capricorn woman and Sagittarius man

This couple is interesting because of its balance of dominance. The fact is that both in friendship and in love relationships, the Capricorn girl prefers to command. And no matter how flighty but charismatic Sagittarius resists, he still recognizes the authority of an intelligent and insightful woman.

Will this reduce the compatibility of Sagittarius and Capricorn? Not at all. If fate has given you such a treasure as a wise wife, it would be a sin not to use it. Moreover, the benefit will be common. The family of these signs is always successful and prosperous.

It is possible that they will organize a joint business, and it will definitely bring good profits.

And as for the head of the house, the Capricorn woman is so wise to guide and not to subjugate. And even if her advice does not immediately resonate, she will wait. Over time, Sagittarius will understand that he has a real gold mine in his hands.

In such a marriage, true respect and friendship arises between the spouses. They become equal partners in everything: in solving family problems, raising children, making money. Common affairs bring people closer together, increase the compatibility of the couple and help overcome dissimilarities in character and temperament.

Both the Capricorn girl and the Sagittarius guy are very interested in being a couple. Sagittarius learns to take heights unattainable for himself, and for a woman the world seems to move apart. Her restless husband pulls her out of her shell of rationality and pragmatism, making her life much brighter and more interesting.

What could be causing the difficulties?

The horoscope calls the greatest difficulty the different attitudes of the signs to life. For example, a Sagittarius man is not used to long-term courtship and uncertainty. And the Capricorn girl doubts for a long time, looks closely and checks her potential partner. The guy may simply leave the race prematurely, without waiting for a response.

A woman’s habit of commanding in love relationships is also unlikely to please a freedom-loving representative of the element of Fire. If these two initially come into confrontation, it is unlikely that they will be able to get along. They may suffer for many years.

To prevent this from happening, they need to cooperate rather than argue from the very beginning. Then Sagittarius and Capricorn in love will be able to overcome any differences. “We are friends, not enemies” - this is the main attitude of the couple.

As for intimacy, the Sagittarius husband will have to fight stereotypes. Here it is important not to give up and switch to those who are more understanding and accessible. Then the marriage may collapse. You just need to overcome prejudices gradually. Fortunately, nowadays there are much fewer of them than half a century ago.

Thus, love and marriage between Sagittarius and Capricorn are difficult, but possible. Their compatibility is based on:

  • love;
  • compromise;
  • complementary qualities;
  • opportunities to significantly increase your potential in partnership.

Astrologers say that the level of compatibility between Sagittarius and Capricorn is quite low. Different characters, life priorities and temperaments are not always a bridgeable gap.


General compatibility of signs

A union of such different people is unlikely, but possible. Capricorn and Sagittarius have incompatible elements - Earth and Fire, so, according to astrologers, you should not count on a long-term relationship.

Disagreements in relationships can occur for the following reasons:

  • different views on life;
  • Sagittarius's extravagance causes misunderstanding on the part of Capricorn;
  • Sagittarius will not listen to the advice of the wise and experienced Capricorn until he himself makes a mistake;
  • both zodiac signs are selfish and will not sacrifice their freedom in favor of the other;
  • It will be difficult for Capricorn to come to terms with Sagittarius' loveliness.

Sagittarius character

The centaur - the symbol of Sagittarius - has many double meanings. On the one hand, astrologers characterize the representative of this fire sign as frivolous and superficial. On the other hand, Sagittarius can achieve success in the exact sciences, philosophy or research. This sign is in constant motion and cannot stand monotony and boredom. In moments of relaxation, Sagittarius can be a pretty good conversationalist, sincere and responsive.

  • frankness;
  • cordiality;
  • tolerant attitude towards others;
  • straightforwardness;
  • lack of tact.

In relation to Sagittarius, you should not:

  • laugh at the fact that they honor traditions;
  • try to organize it in financial affairs;
  • make fun of him;
  • openly exploit;
  • allow him to become arrogant;
  • take offense at the way he makes the remark.

In the video filmed by the channel “Horoscope. Unusual horoscope”, a detailed description of the character of Sagittarius is demonstrated.

Capricorn character

Capricorns differ from other signs in the following characteristics:

  1. Conservative. They often get lost in unforeseen circumstances and do not like unplanned things.
  2. Personal growth is built on superiority over others.
  3. When necessary, Capricorns can put aside emotions, maintain proper discipline and form a structure, organizing the flow of profits. In this regard, Capricorns are valuable employees in large-scale production, in a leadership position, in the management of a country or a financial company.
  4. They like to achieve success in any business, despite the volume of workload. Therefore, the majority are inveterate workaholics who spend most of their time at work.
  5. Very purposeful, patient, have willpower.
  6. Capricorns are athletes because they love risks and are very courageous. At the same time, they have a developed sense of beauty and have a taste for music.
  7. They do not change their habits and their home lifestyle, instilled in them since childhood.
  8. They carefully preserve and value their feelings, but at the same time they can be cruel to others.
  9. Intolerant of betrayal and betrayal. Getting into a second serious relationship is difficult.
  10. They don’t like to be dependent on anything: relationships, places, work, etc.

Both men and women, Capricorns crave exciting experiences and are insatiable in both love and activity.

In the video from the channel “Horoscope. Unusual Horoscope" tells in detail about the character of Capricorns.

Sagittarius woman and Capricorn man

The Sagittarius woman loves life in all its manifestations and often has her head in the clouds, while Capricorns are stubborn and stand firmly on the ground. For this reason, their compatibility is a rare case, since there are too many grievances and misunderstandings in the relationship. If for some reason this connection is dear to both, then the woman needs to be more responsible, and the man needs to be less demanding and strict.

Are they compatible in love?

Problems Capricorn and Sagittarius face in relationships:

  1. Capricorn's desire to dominate, because the Sagittarius girl does not tolerate control and regards the slightest demands as a limitation of her freedom.
  2. Capricorn does not perceive someone else's point of view, which causes indignation in the Sagittarius girl.
  3. After time, a man may hear from his girlfriend that it’s time for him to change his outlook on life. For Capricorn, such a situation is unacceptable.
  4. The Capricorn man does not like the Sagittarius girl’s quarrelsome character.


The Capricorn man is inclined to morally suppress the woman next to him, but his Sagittarius wife has an unyielding disposition. She will live the way she is used to and always do things her own way.

Almost all actions of a representative of a fire sign do not find support from her husband. The Sagittarius wife does not expect approval, but does not consider it necessary to consult with Capricorn, knowing that another quarrel will follow. Conflicts in this family may be due to money, its spending, everyday life and responsibilities.

Spouses may have two main motives for maintaining this marriage:

  • strong mutual love;
  • financial dependence of one of them.

In friendship

Friendship between a man and a woman in this case is impossible for several reasons:

  • when communicating, they often experience irritation rather than understanding;
  • Capricorn man and Sagittarius woman have practically nothing to talk about;
  • the concept of friendship is regarded differently;
  • the Sagittarius girl may get the impression that the Capricorn guy finds fault with every word he says;
  • The Sagittarius girl will seem too cheeky and fussy to the representative of the earth sign.

Sexual compatibility

Sometimes friendship sex becomes the first step to a relationship. The Sagittarius woman is crazy about the Capricorn man and considers him very sensual and passionate. This is not to say that he is bad, but he has one trait - he is too self-absorbed. It is important to him, on the one hand, how his partner feels, and on the other hand, he is the one and only. A woman in bed wants to attract attention to herself, be it underwear, oils or various devices, which will be very pleasant for a man.

Work and business

Women born under the sign of Sagittarius become real professionals in their field. Under the leadership of such competent superiors, Capricorn men show themselves at their best. They follow orders responsibly, especially with proper encouragement. If the leader is Capricorn, then he can, with a clear conscience, shift the burden of project management to Sagittarius. This will prove to be very fruitful.

Representatives of these two signs work well together and also enter into favorable business deals.

Capricorn woman and Sagittarius man

The Capricorn woman knows what she wants, she is serious and immediately shows all her intentions. A Sagittarius man is helped in communicating with the opposite sex by a wonderful sense of humor, natural optimism and cheerfulness. Their relationship will be accompanied by disputes on a variety of issues, but the main reason for contention will be money and the frivolity of Sagittarius.

Love relationship

There are too many difficulties in this union that are difficult to overcome on the path to a long-term relationship. Any chances may be due to the excessive activity of Sagittarius. The restraint and calmness of a Capricorn woman will seem charming to him; he may perceive it as pliability and submission. Over time, the man will understand that his girlfriend seemed different from what she really is.

Are they suitable for each other in marriage?

Even if such a couple decides to legitimize their relationship, a quick breakup should be expected.

As a rule, such a step is determined by the following factors:

  1. A profitable calculation in a relationship on the part of one of the partners. In this case, there is hope for a peaceful life in marriage.
  2. Infatuation. A marriage concluded on such a basis is fragile and vulnerable.

The marriage union of a Capricorn woman and a Sagittarius man is one of the rarest in the horoscope. This is due to a lack of mutual understanding in all areas of life. Disagreements will arise on any issue even before the wedding. It is for this reason that this couple rarely gets married.

Sexual compatibility

In bed with a Sagittarius, a Capricorn woman will feel relaxed. The passion and love of a representative of a fire sign will help her open up. The sexual horoscope of this couple develops successfully some time after the start of the relationship.

The first time can be disappointing for both of you for a number of reasons:

  • the Sagittarius man will be afraid of his partner’s coldness;
  • The Capricorn woman is not able to appreciate too strong a fire of passion.


Friendly relations between a Sagittarius man and a Capricorn woman are tied, first of all, to respect.

Features of the friendship of these two people:

  1. The man likes her businesslike approach.
  2. Sagittarius is comfortable communicating with a Capricorn woman because she is not hysterical and logical.
  3. You can discuss business issues with her.
  4. A woman is boring for an active, life-loving Sagittarius. He respects the Capricorn woman for her firmness of convictions and depth of knowledge, but deep down he considers her very conservative.
  5. The Capricorn woman does not understand the Sagittarius lifestyle well.
  6. She is flattered by his social position, since Capricorns like people who have achieved something.

In general, there will be no desire on both sides to get closer. They maintain good relations as good friends.

Compatibility at work

Main characteristics of the working relationship between a Sagittarius man and a Capricorn woman:

  1. When a Capricorn woman is a boss and a Sagittarius man is a subordinate, this is an unfortunate combination. Sagittarius does not want to do or behave as Capricorn demands. The boss will get tired of his constant enthusiasm and initiative.
  2. When the Capricorn woman is a subordinate, and the Sagittarius man is the boss. For a long time this couple looks successful. Sagittarius loves to patronize and encourage, which Capricorn really likes. But over time, she becomes bored with both rewards and teachings.

If a Capricorn woman and a Sagittarius man organize a joint business, then special attention should be paid to organizational issues.

This tandem should be developed in the following areas:

  • international relationships;
  • higher education;
  • tourism;
  • Internet technologies.


More details about the compatibility of Sagittarius and Capricorn are told by astrotypologist Dmitry Shimko.

Sagittarius and Capricorn surprise and attract each other. These completely different people often form a surprisingly strong union, which is based on the struggle and unity of opposites.

Capricorn and Sagittarius: communication compatibility

At first glance at the horoscope, Sagittarius and Sagittarius simply cannot suit each other. Sagittarius is impulsive and dynamic, Capricorn is cautious and conservative. Sagittarius frivolously changes partners, Capricorn gets stuck in relationships for a long time. And yet, these signs find many points of contact. Sagittarius knows how to dream and make plans, and Capricorn shows that thoughts can be materialized.

The seriousness and specificity of Capricorn calms the restless disposition of his companion. Although there are times when Capricorn may literally get a headache from the boiling energy of Sagittarius, and he will want to get rid of his partner for a while and be in silence.

Sagittarius is drawn to Capricorn, but will be able to win his interest only when he moves from beautiful words to concrete deeds.

Capricorn and Sagittarius: compatibility in love

The sexual component in this union plays a fundamental role. If there is no attraction, then the chances of maintaining the relationship are reduced many times. In bed, these signs forget about modesty and restraint. will bring them mutual pleasure and a sea of ​​bright, unforgettable experiences.

Problems begin when Capricorn demands that Sagittarius stay at home. And he is not able to endure the monotonous lifestyle that Capricorn leads. Sagittarius strives for travel and adventure, but for Capricorn, changing places and dynamic changes in circumstances is simply painful.

Capricorn and Sagittarius: compatibility in everyday life and marriage

If Sagittarius nevertheless decides on marriage, then he will try to diversify it with bright events and experiences. It is very difficult for Capricorn to adapt to the impulsive life of his partner; he will try to teach Sagittarius stability, constancy and regularity. Clashes on this basis in family life are almost inevitable.

Their views on the financial side of marriage are also different. Capricorn always has a gold fund hidden for a rainy day, but Sagittarius considers this stupid. After all, in his opinion, you only need to live here and now.

Capricorn always takes the spiritual quests and desires of his chosen one very close to his heart, he will try to solve his problems in all available ways. But Sagittarius’s imagination in the field of inventing problems is simply inexhaustible, so Capricorn is unlikely to be able to find the desired state of peace in the company of his unpredictable partner.

Capricorn and women

Capricorn man and Sagittarius woman develop their relationship very dynamically, although staying together is not easy for them. Capricorn tries to clearly draw the boundaries of his space, to establish order and peace in the house according to the principle “my home is my fortress.” And the active Sagittarius woman will bring him to loud scandals with her hectic social life and a huge crowd of friends and acquaintances who will invade their home every now and then.

The best basis for such a marriage is spiritual unity and material dependence. Both signs are strong and strong-willed individuals who perform well in stressful situations. Therefore, they easily unite as associates or business partners.

But the union of a Sagittarius man and a Capricorn woman is much more complex and is much less common. This couple tests each other's strength every day, sometimes leading their relationship to open hostilities. The lightness and carelessness of Sagittarius makes the Capricorn woman very nervous. And his enthusiasm is broken by his partner’s desire to command and manage the family. She sincerely believes that she knows the secret to a stable, happy life, and actively tries to teach her frivolous husband how to live correctly.

The ability to give in, compromise and not change your partner is the basis for a happy life for this couple. Then they will be able to enjoy vivid sexual experiences, significant financial achievements, and harmonious, strong relationships in their family.

Compatibility between Capricorn and Sagittarius is considered unfavorable. Astrologers characterize this type of union as envy under the guise of love. The fire and earth elements do not combine well with each other, so mutual understanding in a couple is unlikely to last long. Let's take a closer look.

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These people are very different; they have different interests, temperaments, and characters. But as they say, opposites attract, so sooner or later they end up together and fall in love with each other.

What is typical for the relationship of such a zodiac couple:

  1. Despite poor compatibility, their relationship can last for many years. The thing is that over time they become wonderful friends and allies. This is what keeps them close to each other, even if the feelings end.
  2. But if they fail to make friends and become spiritually close people, the breakup usually happens quite quickly. Restless Sagittarius, who seeks variety in everything, may get bored next to the stable Capricorn. The latter prefers a calm, measured life, he “takes root” and rarely agrees to change his habitat. It is important for him to adhere to the established way of life.
  3. They initially agree that they both strive for success and want a better life. They are in an eternal search for an ideal, which they discuss with each other. It’s just that they usually have different ways to achieve their goals. Everything comes easy and quickly to Sagittarius; he is used to going ahead. Thinks not in problems, but in solutions. Capricorn prefers to move slowly but surely towards the goal, albeit with hard work.
  4. Capricorn sees in a partner a strong, bright, ambitious person who deserves respect. He wants to receive a charge of positive energy and inspiration. And he gets it, but only at the beginning.
  5. Gradually they embark on a path of long conflicts. Compromises are rarely made. Everyone will stand their ground and defend their own opinion, foaming at the mouth, not wanting to hear their partner. Eternal competition and struggle for leadership ruins their relationship.
  6. Sagittarius is used to manipulating people, but with Capricorn his tricks do not work. He is condescending towards attempts to control him, losing trust in his partner and gradually becoming disillusioned.
  7. Capricorn tries to give advice to the chosen one, acting with the best intentions. But he rarely listens to them, even if he understands that he is wrong.

To summarize: despite the fact that they may like each other very much, the relationship is doomed in most cases. The problem is the lack of desire to hear your partner and make compromises.

Causes of conflicts

If you have already found yourself in such a union, you should try to restore harmony and peace in the couple. Perhaps then your future will be cloudless.

What Capricorn and Sagittarius need to work on in relationships:

  1. Capricorn wants Sagittarius to settle down, become calmer and more family-oriented. But his companion is disgusted by everyday life, he is constantly in search of new experiences. Because of this, they often quarrel.
  2. Therefore, Sagittarius should be at home more often, and Capricorn should sometimes let their partner spend time in noisy companies, without being jealous or causing scandals. Then there is a chance to maintain a favorable atmosphere in the couple.
  3. Capricorn should also learn to bring out Sagittarius's emotions. And not only positive ones. It is the contrast of feelings that will not allow the flame of their passion to fade away. If the relationship is too calm, the lively and bright Sagittarius will get bored and begin to look for impressions on the side.
  4. The very concept of love differs between partners. For Sagittarius, this is an opportunity to receive new emotions, for his partner - stability and reliability. For this reason, they often do not understand each other, giving in a relationship not what the chosen one needs.
  5. Capricorn can go overboard in his attempts to control his lover. He will try to limit the freedom-loving nature of Sagittarius, which is detrimental to relationships. He should ease his pressure if he does not want to lose his chosen one.
  6. Both signs are quite selfish by nature. They should learn to meet each other halfway, seek and find compromises. Then there is a chance that everything will turn out as smoothly as possible.
  7. It often seems to Sagittarius that the partner rejoices at his failures, issuing criticism and condemnation. In fact, Capricorn pursues only good goals - he wants to teach the chosen one and guide him on the true path.

Their relationship will become happy only if both moderate their selfishness and meet the desires of their partner.

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The relationship between them is like a volcano: frequent showdowns, passion, emotional intensity. The seemingly calm and reasonable Capricorn woman becomes simply a fury next to the bright Sagittarius man, and here’s why: his directness annoys and attracts her, she wants to unravel the reason for his bold behavior. He likes that she is so interested in him. The Capricorn woman is not inclined to give out sympathy left and right, so her attention is worth a lot. Together they can do something that interests both of them: most often, alliances between Sagittarius and Capricorn are formed precisely on the basis of a common cause and a common goal, as well as common interests. Their love will have a little less tenderness than we would like, and a little more drive than is required. However, a Capricorn woman and a Sagittarius man are able to maintain a vibrant and exciting relationship for a long time.

In sex, the Sagittarius man will, of course, lead. Firstly, because he is a man, and secondly, because he is a Sagittarius. He is active, bright, requires attention to himself, his words and actions. The Capricorn woman reveals herself a little differently in her intimate life: for the time being, she is closed (both physically and emotionally), so her partner has to work hard to get things to bed. She also sweats a fair amount in bed: she doesn’t like hackwork. In general, he will light her up, and she will teach him the subtleties of sex. If, of course, he decides that he deserves it.

Family and marriage

The Capricorn woman is a supporter of legalized relationships. Give her the formalities: with the notorious stamp in her passport, she feels somehow calmer than without it. The Sagittarius man is one of those who is in no hurry to tie the knot. With his independence, he challenges her: the Capricorn woman must reason with this freedom-loving mustang. If she manages to tie a Sagittarius man emotionally, they will definitely get married, all the rules will be followed and the Capricorn woman will celebrate her victory. In marriage, the Sagittarius man will encourage the Capricorn woman, preventing her from getting stuck in depression for a long time (oh, she loves them) and moving forward towards their common goals.

A Capricorn woman really needs a friend like a Sagittarius man. With him she will not feel lonely, he will always be able to cheer her up and instill optimism, which she often lacks. She will help him look at things more soberly, put everything into perspective when he is unable to think rationally. Together, a Capricorn woman and a Sagittarius man can do a variety of things. The list of their common interests can be huge: art, books, sports. They are both quite active and love life very much, so there is every reason for a strong and long friendship.

Work and business

In a couple where a Capricorn woman and a Sagittarius man are business partners, mutual understanding reigns. They are both determined to conquer serious peaks and achieve lofty goals. Both she and he can be a strategist. If the goal is set by a Capricorn woman, the task will be quite specific, and the steps to get there will be outlined as specifically and accurately as possible. If a Sagittarius man chooses the point of application of his efforts, he will most likely outline only the main stages of achieving the goal, and the goal itself will be simply unrealistic. But by joining forces, they will achieve it.
